Bison say bring on college football! (High School Sports ~ 02/06/19)
The McCook Bison were busy on college football’s “National Signing Day” as three seniors signed with Nebraska colleges this morning. All-state defensive tackle Colin Giron (left) joined the University of Nebaska-Kearney Antelopes, all-state punter-athlete Morgan Fawver (center) joined the Chadron Staet College Eagles and tackling machine/linebacker-fullback Paxton Terry chose the Hastings College Broncos over other schools. ... -
Trojan boys edge Arapahoe in overtime (High School Sports ~ 02/06/19)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. — Yordi, Yordi, Yordi, that Arapahoe Warrior has been one tough senior to stop for anyone who’s faced him on a basketball floor this season. So when Yordi Gutierrez launched a final potential winning corner shot, Cambridge fans held their breath while both players and coaches realized one fact:... -
Objections to proposed legislation: LB167, LB168, and LB627
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/06/19)
Ironic it is that those who protest with the most vociferous of objections to man’s misappropriation of nature have no reservation in misappropriating the nature of man … It is an ontological truth that man is more than spirit and will. Man has a definite and complementary human nature – male and female – which exists outside of man’s will; a nature whose design is the exclusive dominion of God, by whom man was created. ...
Effort aims to keep more food dollars in state
(Editorial ~ 02/06/19)
With little effort, Southwest Nebraskans can enjoy choice, locally-sourced beef through a local locker plant, directly from a rancher or by placing an order at a steak house. But how many of us actually care where that T-bone was born? Fill up our shopping carts at the grocery or big-box store, and most of that food traveled hundreds or thousands of miles to reach our pantries or refrigerators...
Illegal dumping persists, despite state action (Local News ~ 02/06/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — A McCook citizen made her concerns known about an eyesore west of McCook that seems to be growing. Bethine Vontz told the McCook City Council at its regular meeting Monday night that Old Highway 6, where it joins U.S. Highways 6 and 34, is being used as a dump, littered with abandoned furniture and other debris. She asked what if the city, or county, is doing anything to address it... -
Buffaloes revolt against 'Riders
(High School Sports ~ 02/06/19)
ATWOOD, Kan. — Rawlins County Buffaloes continued to be second-half supermen when facing Nebraska basketball foes Tuesday evening. A week after hitting 11 three-pointers to rally past Hitchcock County, Rawlins County erased an eight-point halftime decifit and won 49-45 over visiting Southwest...
Cambridge girls keep on winning (High School Sports ~ 02/06/19)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. — Senior Sarah Cope’s basket was one of many more Cambridge highlights during a 49-26 home win over Arapahoe Tuesday evening. The Trojans (14-6 record) followed their upset of North Platte St. Pat’s Saturday night with an effort that featured 11 players hitting shots... -
'Hearts' in the wall (Local News ~ 02/06/19)
While renovating a 1920's-era house in McCook, Dale Stewart discovered this poster for the movie "Hearts in Dixie" tucked inside a wall. The "World" theater in downtown McCook opened in 1927, and, in 1929, Hearts in Dixie was one of the first all-talkie, big-studio musical productions to boast a predominantly African-American cast and celebrate African-American music and dance. ... -
#givebackMcCook (Local News ~ 02/06/19)
McCook Humane Society animal shelter staff member David Thorson, above right, helps State Farm Insurance representatives Angie Karr, above left, agent Kristie Nickel, above center, and Tami Earhart, left, unload a donation of supplies to the animal shelter in recognition of the 10-year anniversary of Kristie's State Farm "Big Red Agency Inc." office in McCook. ... -
Cougar women top 100 on MCC's home court (College Sports ~ 02/06/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Western Nebraska Community College won for the 20th time this season, handing the McCook Community College women a 104-64 loss. Western took a 22-12 lead after the first quarter, the Lady Indians looked to get back in the game but the Cougars ended up leading by 20 points at the half and cruised to the 40-point win... -
Cougars fight off Indian comeback attempts (College Sports ~ 02/06/19)
For a moment Tuesday night, McCook Community College fans probably flashed back to one week ago when a key-three pointer in the final two minutes of the game led to a men’s win over North Platte. The Indians trailed Western Nebraska by as many as 13 points with 9:31 left in the game but hit a key 3-pointer at the 2:50 mark to take a 76-74 lead. This time the opponents wrestled back the lead and won 91-85... -
Wolves destroy 16-0 South Platte Knights
(High School Sports ~ 02/06/19)
MAYWOOD, Neb. — Wolves are more dangerous than ever following the Maywood-Hayes Center girls’ 51-19 annihilation of South Platte Tuesday night. The Knights roared into MH-C with a perfect 16-0 record — but only scored 15 points during those first three quarters against coach Kim Stengle’s 17-5 team...
Stories from Wednesday, February 6, 2019
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