Program steers drunk drivers straight
(Features ~ 07/28/07)
A one-of-a-kind program aimed at drunk drivers focuses on rehabilitation instead of jail. The DRIVR program, created by Kim Spargo, LADC and Jerri Phillips, LMHP, gives those convicted of a first-offense driving under the influence charge, the option of attending a highly-structured two-day retreat, instead of jail time...
Archeological crew surveys local sites
(Features ~ 07/28/07)
EDITOR'S?NOTE -- Beginning reporters know that "who, what, when, where, why and how" are key to any news story. The following story, about a team of archeologists gets right to the point: An archaeological survey crew includes Dr. Alan J. Osborn (project director and Research Associate Professor at the University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History, Lincoln), Nancy Carlson (field assistant, Genoa), Samantha Kirkley (graduate student, Department of Anthropology and Geography, UNL), and Cynthia Wiley (graduate student, Department of Anthropology and Geography, UNL).. ...
A new college building to light up outside?
(Editorial ~ 07/28/07)
Congratulation to McCook and Mid Plains Community College officials for their success in persuading the state Coordinating Commission for Post Secondary Education that a new $9.5 million, 53,000 square foot events center would be a good thing for MCC...
First of a series -- When irrigation came to the Republican River valley
(Column ~ 07/28/07)
One of the great advantages of being a senior citizen is that one can personally remember changes in the way things are done and the consequences of the changes. In this case I want to look at the development of irrigation in the Republican River valley. In 1943 my father drilled an irrigation well about three miles south of McCook, one of the first in the area...
The amazing Mr. Bush
(Column ~ 07/28/07)
The president's poll numbers reached an all-time low a couple of months ago and have stayed there. His approval rating continues to hover around 30 percent and his disapproval rating is at 65 percent, tying the highest disapproval rating for a sitting president since public opinion polling first started. The 30 percent approval rating is obviously made up of Bush loyalists who are going to support him, right or wrong...
Stories from Saturday, July 28, 2007
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