A ‘RESOLUTION OF CENSURE’ AGAINST U.S. SENATOR DEBRA S. FISCHER As enacted by the Hitchcock County Republican Party, Hitchcock County, Nebraska: I. WHEREAS, the Federal government of these UNITED STATES has, over the course of the past 60 years, incurred a NATIONAL DEBT that now exceeds an estimated 28 TRILLION DOLLARS, and; II. WHEREAS, this estimate does not include the cost of UNFUNDED LIABILITIES, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government-mandated social welfare programs, and; III. WHEREAS, the unchecked growth of the NATIONAL DEBT, as exacerbated through unrestrained deficit spending by the CONGRESS of these UNITED STATES is unsustainable, and; IV. WHEREAS, the obligation to service the accrued interest and pay the accumulating principle of the NATIONAL DEBT is contributing to the continued gross devaluation of our currency, and; V. WHEREAS, the staggering growth of our NATIONAL DEBT is used to justify ever-expanding levels of taxation, and; VI. WHEREAS, Economic Freedom is indispensable to and inseverable from Individual Liberty, and: VII. WHEREAS, confiscatory taxation, inflation, and currency devaluation act to destroy personal wealth, while their combined burden severely undermines the individual’s ability to provide an inheritance to their posterity, and: VIII. WHEREAS, the continued escalation of deficit spending by the U.S. Congress is a threat to our national solvency, national sovereignty, personal wealth, and the individual liberties enumerated in the United States Constitution, and: IX. WHEREAS, on 10 August 2021, U.S. Senator Debra S. (“Deb”) Fischer, gave her affirmative vote to spend 1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS, the total expenditure of which is itemized within the 2700-page “Infrastructure Bill,” and; X. WHEREAS, only one quarter of the 1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS is allocated to “hard” infrastructure (roads, bridges, ports), the remaining spending disbursed for divisive, politically-motivated “social engineering” projects, and: XI. WHEREAS, Senator Fischer could not, and did not read the entire 2700 pages of the above cited legislation, in which 25 percent of the proposed 1.2 TRILLION DOLLAR expenditure is unfunded, and: XII. WHEREAS, by her affirmative vote for the 1.2 TRILLION DOLLAR “Infrastructure Bill,” Senator Fischer has – 1.) Violated the basic tenets of her publicly-asserted conservative principles.
2.) Acted contrary to her past admonitions on deficit spending and the national debt.
3.) Violated her promise to constituents that she would always vote mindful of fiscal restraint.
4.) Acted contrary to and with disregard for the repeatedly-stated financial concerns of her constituents.
5.) Acted with reckless disregard for the financial solvency of these United States, and the prosperity of its people. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we duly-elected presiding officers of the HITCHCOCK COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY, individually and corporately with its validly registered and assembled Republican members, who presently hold legal residence in Hitchcock County Nebraska, do hereby assert and affirm the above-cited stipulations, AND; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, following open deliberation of the facts, in accordance with the BYLAWS of the HCRP, we cast our lawful vote to condemn the above-cited action of U.S. Senator Debra S. Fischer, AND; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we declare and issue OUR DECREE of CENSURE against U.S. Senator Debra S. Fischer. Passed by open vote, this day, 26 AUGUST 2021. Votes “YAY” 24 Votes “NAY” 0 Affirmed by: Bruce Desautels, Chairman Vicki Bauer, Vice Chair Rita Fritsch, Treasurer Monica Desautels, Secretary