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Three-Time 1000 Yard Rushers in Nebraska Prep Football are a Rare Breed

The 2024 Nebraska high school football season was the 50th anniversary of my Bobby Mills 1000 Yard Club. I published my first 1000 yard list in 1975 however, knowing a Master List would not be complete without going back in time, that is exactly what I have done.
High school footbal fans may not realize that rushing stats were not kept much prior to 1960. There were some instances where statisticians ahead of their time did keep these types of statistics, but mostly just touchdowns and points scored were all that was charted from the beginning of high school football in Nebraska until around 1960 as I previously stated.
So basically we are working with 75 years worth of rushing statistics when compiling this Master List of 1000 Yard Rushers.
During that time, I have chartered/honored roughly 4,162 running backs who have surpassed the 1000 yard mark, an incredible number.
Out of that 4000 plus thousand yard rushers, there have been only SEVEN running backs that have rushed for over a thousand yards all four years of their high school career. There have been just 86 three-time 1000 yard rushers.
First and foremost, you have to have an excellent offensive line to rush for a thousand yards in a single season, let alone three times in a career.
There also has to be a little bit of luck involved which would include staying injury free during that time and playing for a football team that makes the playoffs and enjoys a deep run.
With that in mind, here is the list of the SEVEN superstars who pulled off the nearly impossible feat of compiling FOUR one thousand yard rushing seasons followed by the 86 running backs that rushed for over 1000 yards THREE times in their career.
These RBs are listed in alphabetical order by schools followed by their career rushing total.
(In some cases, the career total reflects only the three years that the running back gained 1000 yards due to missing freshman season statistics).
Four Time 1000 Yard Rushers: (SEVEN in History)
Brandon Holtorf-Prague - 1998-2000 (5,348 career) (2-Eight-Man, 2-Six Man)
Mike Brower-Geneva/Fillmore Central - 2000-2003 (6,099 Career) (11-Man)
Jacob Morrill-Creighton - 2010-2013 (5,348 Career) (8-Man)
Moses Bryant-Elkhorn South - 2014-2017 (11-Man) (5,454 Career)
Dylan Kaup-Norfolk Catholic - 2015-2018 (11-Man) (7,580 Career/11-Man Record)
AJ Jenkins-Wilcox-Hildreth - 2015-2018 (6-Man) (6,408 Career)
Quade Myers-Dundy County/Stratton - (2018-2021) (5,915 Career)
3 Time 1000 Yard Rushers
Hyatt Collins-Adams Central - 2020-2022, (3,971)
Gabe Conant-Adams Central - 2017-2019, (3,952)
Garrett Kolling-Alma - 2009-2012 (3,912)
Troy Gilligan-Anselmo-Merna - 2013-2015, (4,168)
Tyler Hamel-Arapahoe - 2004-2006 (4,295)
Gentry Anderson-Arapahoe - 2016-2018,, (3,810)
Bryce Kitrell Ashland Greenwood - 2017-2019, (3,499)
Trevor Nicholson-Ashland Greenwood - 2014-2016, (6,479)
Luke Lundy-Auburn - 2004-2006 (5,022)
Brent Gatzemeyer-Bancroft-Rosalie - 1983-1985 (5,348)
Aaron Hass-Beemer - 1989-1991, (4,115)
Craig Hass-Beemer - 1988-1979, (4,345)
Dex Larson Blair - 2018-2020, (3,886)
Adam Broders-Bloomfield - 2004-2007 (5,116)
Wyatt Pankowski-Bridgeport - 2013 2015, (3,703)
Alec Galvin-Burwell - 2010/2012 (3,937)
Brett Gumb-Burwell - 2004-2006 (3,737)
Jase Williams-Burwell 2017 2019, (4,604)
Mike Reiman-Butte - 1988-1990 (3,458)
Casey Cozad-Callaway - 1995-1998 (3,136)
Joe Geren-Central City - 1958-1960 (4,604)
Bob Wilkerson-Clay Center - 1986-1988 (4,116)
Brenden Pelster-Chambers/Wheeler Central - 2013-2015, (4,033)
Scott Gray-Coleridge - 1985-1987 (5,632)
Jake Paulson-Cozad - (2017-2019), (5,595)
Carter Seim-Cross County - 2019-2021, (5,402)
Brandon Hagen-Culbertson - 1997-1999 (6,094)
Corey Eikmeier-Dodge - 1994-1996 (8,330)
Tyler Paulsen-Dodge - 1997-1999 (5,617)
Serbando Diaz-Dundy County/Stratton - (2018-2020) - (5,750)
Darth Tesinsky-East Butler - 1994-1996 (3,835)
Cory Hall-Elwood - 1985-1987 (5,151)
Jacob Johnson-Fairbury - 2015-2017, (4,172)
Nate Froeschl-Falls City Sacred Heart - 1992-1994 (3,270)
Jordan Stutzman-Friend - 2001-2003 (4,959)
Mat Korth-Greeley - 1998-2000 (4,256)
Alex Dose-Hampton - 2007-2009 (4,426)
Jack Bullis-Hampton - 2022-2024, (3,498)
Chad Koch-Hartington Cedar Catholic - 2007-2009 (6,017)
Trent Reed-Hay Springs - 2016-2018, (6,821)
Ethan Skinner-Hemingford - 2013-2015, (6,139)
Mark Crow-Hershey - 1984-1986 (3,482)
Clint Belina-Howells - 2007-2009 (6,071)
Levi Bellina Howells Dodge - (2019-2021), (4,579)
Shane Belohrad-Leigh - 1981-1983 (4,008)
Russ Kuhr-Leigh - 1984-1986 (3,227)
Charles Wilson-Madison - 1992-1995 (5,292)
Lynn Menke-Marquette - 1982-1984 (4,307)
Jared Wilson-Maywood - 1988-2000 (3,606)
Jac Bailey-McCool Junction - 2010-2012 (3,687)
Isaac Aakre-Millard North - 2010-2012 (5,231)
Ephoren Lovato-Minatare - 2016-2018, (4,096)
Steven Dent-Mullen - 2002-2004 (7,903)
Zach Call-Mullen - 2008-2010 (4,754)
Lane Edis-Mullen - 2016-2018, (6,969)
Dave Schreiter-Nebr. City Lourdes - 1976-1977 (3,342)
Jason Morris-Nebraska City Lourdes - 1987-1989 (4,280)
Joe Brinkman-Nemaha Valley - 2002-2004 (3,267)
James Kruger-Norris - 2010-2012 (4,826)
Danny Woodhead-North Platte - 2001-2003 (4,891)
Jackson Roberts North Platte St. Patrick's - 2020-2022
Jake Garcia Omaha Gross - (2020-2022), (4,201)
Ahman Green-Omaha North/Omaha Central - 1992-1994 (3,810)
Zander Gray-Omaha North - 2015-2017, (4,731)
Andy Maloly-Pawnee City - (2020-2022), (4,172)
Kevin Bretschneider-Pierce - 1976-1978 (5,114)
David Wragge-Plainview - 2004-2006 (4,002)
Justin Blatchford-Ponca - 2005-2007 (3,634)
Kyle Kasperbauer-St. Paul - 1998-2000 (3,831)
Eli Larson-St Paul - 2018-2020, (5,709)
Jeff Luebbe-Seward - 1999-2001 (5,178)
Sebastian Boyle-Scottsbluff - 2021-2023, (5,168)
Luke Glenn--Shelton - 2010-2012 (4,383)
Dan Filipi-Shickley - 1992-1994 (3,153)
Nolan Beyer-Sidney St. Pats - 1982-1984 (3,585)
Doug Wendell-Spencer-Naper - 1989-1991 (4,331)
Becker Pohlman-Stanton - 2022-2024, (5,047)
Devin Empfield-Stapleton - 1979-1981 (4,137)
Trevor Thomson- Summerland - (2020-2022), (4,485)
Luke Anderson-Sutherland - 1998-2000 (5,300)
Randon McKain-Sutherland - 2007-2009 (3,601)
Jim Bargen-Thayer Central - 1998-2000 (3,691)
Mason Ormesher-Valentine - 2004-2006 (4,090)
John Farnik-Verdigre - 1984-1986 (4,031)
Taylor Dixon-Wauneta-Palisade - 2005-2007 (3,724)
Jared Minnick-West Point Guardian Angels CC - 2014 2016 (4,850)
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