Big Brother Season 20 Preview

Another year has passed and it is about time for Season 20 of Big Brother to go live. Once again there are 16 guests, though there is no news on whether they will bring back yet another veteran it can almost be expected. As long as it isn't narcissist Cody, I wouldn't mind anyone else, but would rather have just newbies this season.
Below I will introduce the 16 players for this season along with some of their bio info taken from After that I will make some predictions on who I think could win, showmances, stuff like that. I never expected last season's winner Josh to make it past the first few weeks. But as is the case with Big Brother and the show's tagline, expect the unexpected. Josh had an explosive temper and both sides of the house attempted to exploit that for the majority of the season. By the end I felt whoever was sitting next to Paul (Josh or Christmas) would probably win the game. Even though Paul played the best overall game, never getting his hands dirty in the house, every person that was evicted knew that it was because of him.
Expect the same dynamics this season, but to find out who will be the bully, who will be the hothead, who will be the sweetheart, let's look at the cast.
Steve Arienta
As the bios were just released today the official pictures aren't that great. Hopefully as we get closer they will release better graphical pics, but for now this is what we have.
Steve Arienta, 40, is a former undercover NYPD investigator. Along with that, he was also a high school and college (full scholarship at Northwestern) wrestler. He lists Boogie as his favorite BB player because he was a strategist. Parallels should be drawn with Season 16 winner Derrick, who was also an undercover cop. But his biggest issue will be his age. The older players are almost always targeted first and I don't expect this season to be any different. If he is able to make it past the first couple of evictions he could be in it for the long haul.
Sam Bledsoe
Sam Bledsoe, 27, is a welder who on the outside portrays herself as someone who will easily be able to play a wallflower for the first few weeks. The big problem with that strategy is that she is planning on winning the 1st HOH. If she does so she will immediately become a target and won't be able to blend in like she wants. She is talking alliances before going in and of course makes one wonder if she will attempt to form an ill-fated all girl alliance. She also states that her personality is perfectly fitted for the show. I've heard that many times in the past seasons and they have all been wrong.
Haleigh Broucher
Haleigh Broucher, 21, a college student who idolizes BB16 winner Derrick, though I do wonder if we watched the same season. He was ruthless throughout the season but was able to always stay out of the line of fire. She called him honest. I do have a feeling that if anyone self evicts this season it could be her. She is very huge on family and has a dad who has a mental illness. Being without any contact with family will wear down on her. I don't say this with any humor but expect a lot of crying from her. She is a psychology student who plans on using what she has learned to get what she wants. With her age I really do expect her to get into a showmance which would destroy her game plans.
Kaycee Clark
Kaycee Clark, 30, a pro football player (no I'm not making that up). She lists her favorite player as narcissist Cody yet calls herself a people person. The fact that her favorite player in the 20 year history of the show was an absolute bully and all around jerk telegraphs to me that when she doesn't get her way she will use the same tactics. Too many players are now listing lying low in the first couple of weeks as an ingoing strategy which is an awful strategy. She will put an early target on herself. Whether she can talk her way out of it is the big question.
Tyler Crispen
Tyler Crispen, 23, is a lifeguard and an interesting character. Going in he reminds me a bit of narcissist Cody in that he believes in his social ability probably more than he should. He states that people think he is telling the truth when he is lying and lying when he is telling the truth. That alone will get him in trouble early in the game. He does have an interesting strategy for the game which involves teaming up with someone that is completely different than him and effectively dividing the house in two. If he can find someone to do this and succeed it could get him far into the game. He's a pretty boy and that alone will probably get him far into the season.
Bayleigh Dayton
Bayleigh Dayton, 25, an airline attendant is also the first African-American to win Miss Missouri. I can't really get a good read on her other than she is probably going to be the one to cause a lot of unneeded drama in the house. She said in her first video interview that she absolutely would not get in a showmance, so it's a good bet that she probably will.
Kaitlyn Herman
Kaitlyn Herman, 24, is a life coach who is going to have a hard time in the house without her crystals. She admits that when she "senses" bad energy she will intervene whether she has been asked to or not. This will cause problems in the house. She wants to be the one creating calm and not negativity in the house, but I'm afraid she will cause much more drama than she stops. She could be an early evictee if she comes across too strong early on which seems to be her personality.
Winston Hines
Winston Hines, 28, is a medical sales rep who really loves his dog. It sounds like he is playing a game similar to Paul and Derrick. The issue is whether he can play it closer to Derrick. If so he'll get far into the game. It also sounds like he will be working out, a lot. There's always one.
Angie Lantry
Angie Lantry, 34, is a stay at home mother and hippy, she had a unicorn walk her down the aisle for god's sake. She seems to have a good strategy for the game, especially not getting into an alliance too soon. She clearly has never watched the live feeds because she is going in believing that they don't play music in the house (despite music being played in the morning to wake the housemates up). Not being a huge superfan could benefit her.
JC Monduix
JC Monduix, 28, and a professional dancer. He mentions that he has a short fuse about his height (he is 4'8") but something tells me that he has a short fuse in general. He also says that he is very good with people (which may be a misjudgment on his part). He's another person I just can't get a good read of from his bio.
Brett Robinson
Brett Robinson, 25, is a cybersecurity engineer who plans to initially lie about what he does and then slowly pepper the truth out to certain people throughout the course of the show. This is a failing strategy. The moment he tells someone the truth about himself (after starting with a lie) he will immediately become a target. He said that Derrick was his favorite player yet somehow didn't learn that one lesson from him. He'll be another of the constant work out guys on the show and his looks should carry him some distance into the show.
Angela Rummans
Angela Rummans, 26, is a fitness model and this year's Christmas. She claims that people mistake her for not being athletic but I just simply don't buy it and neither will the housemates unless she plans on throwing comps. Given her competitive nature I don't see that happening. Despite that I do see her being a competition beast for the most part. If she can stay out of a showmance (and with her bragging about boy toys I don't actually see that happening) then she should make it far.
Scottie Salton
Scottie Salton, 26, is a shipping manager and has what could be worst strategy going in I have ever seen. His goal is to get rid of the floaters and butterflies (whatever those are) first. Honestly, just from his bio he sounds like this season's narcissist Cody. He could be targeted very early, because it sounds like he absolutely loves confrontation. He wants to make the game more upfront than a "chess" match which to me means he doesn't have a basic understanding of the game. If he succeeds at that more power to him, but for me it will just paint a huge target on his back and could lead to an early departure.
Faysal Shafaat
Faysal Shafaat, 26, is a substitute teacher (so that gets an A+ in my book right away) and another housemate I can't get a good read on. I know without a doubt that he will be working out a lot but other than that I'm not sure what to make of his strategy. He honestly reminds me of a mix between last season's Josh and Mark.
Rachel Swindler
Rachel Swindler, 29, is a Vegas entertainer (whatever that is) and another Rachel from Vegas (the BB producers certainly have a type). She has a decent strategy going in especially for not really showing up in early HOH comps while building her social game at the same time. We'll see how that plays out. It sounds like she is going to lean heavily on alliances, so how far she makes it may depend on how well she chooses her alliance.
Chris Williams
Chris Williams, 23, is a day trader who is really big on himself. This could come back and bite him in a house already full of large egos. His favorite player is Paul so expect him to play a similar game. I hope for his sake that he doesn't play the exact same game because I don't see that working two seasons in a row.
I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that Angela will come out on top this season. I think Faysal will get fairly close to the end if not being in the final two. I just have a feeling that this is going to be a drama filled season. There are several players coming in that really to be self involved and will come in with a full head of steam. Scottie, I believe, will cause a lot of fires while he is there. Kaitlyn will cause a lot more drama than she stops and could possibly be at the center of a huge fight early on in the season. Kaycee will probably bully someone and then not understand why what she did was so bad.
I'm cautiously optimistic with this season. Last season had it's moments but overall felt to planned thanks to the constant meddling of Paul. After narcissist Cody made his move so early, everyone else was afraid to make any moves what-so-ever without approval from Paul. Don't get me wrong, I think narcissist Cody made a great move, he just made the move too early and then just acted like a scolded child for the rest of his time, while at the same time destroying Jessica's game.
I'm hoping for no showmances this season but I can almost guarantee at least two.
Big Brother Season 20 begins June 27th at 8/7 PM on CBS.
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