Big Brother 19 Week 6 Recap and Updates

As expected, Jessica used the halting hex last week and stopped the eviction completely voiding all of last week. Of course this made her Paul's top target even over Cody.
This week's HOH Comp was a golf comp where house guests had to hit an oversized golf ball down a ramp with a leg (horror week) and get it into a numbered slot. There was some discussion about whether Paul would be able to compete since his HOH week was void. He was not able to compete so it was up to the house to make sure that Jody did not get the power. In the end, Josh beat out Christmas and Cody with the highest score to become the new HOH and what promised to be a very interesting week.
His target was not Jessica but Elena in retribution for her voting to evict him a couple of weeks before. Her assertion that she was kept out of the planning to evict Ramses instead of Josh was valid, except for the part that she aligned with Jody that week, because of her relationship with Mark. Josh's plan was simple, put Mark and Elena up as "pawns" with Elena being the actual target. Before his HOH block ceremony, however there was the Temptation Comp.
In this comp, the house guests (if the chose to participate) had to go through a haunted, dark house and find clues as to what they were supposed to bring back to stop the clock. Everyone but Christmas and Josh participated (Josh because he is HOH, Christmas, not because she was not cleared to participate, but because she was afraid that due to her injury it could cost her and get her put on the block). Cody and Jessica came up with a plan for him to try to win and for her to come in last guaranteeing that she would at the very least get to compete in the POV. Cody came in first with the quickest time and Jessica threw it coming in last and becoming the third nominee.
As planned, Josh put up Elena and Mark next to her. In his speech, in order to hide the fact that Elena was the actual target, he took a swipe at Jessica. Before the nomination ceremony he had attempted to talk to Jessica to let her know she was not the target this week. She did not want to listen. After the ceremony he again attempted to get across to her that she was not the target but she decided to ridicule him instead. To make matters worse, Cody decided to interject himself into the conversation in order to attack Josh's character (something he has routinely done from the beginning of the show).
Before the POV comp two additional players were chosen at random to play in the comp, Alex (chosen by Mark) and Cody. Before the end of the meeting Christmas (after a pre-agreed wink from Josh) removed Cody from the comp using her hex and taking his place. She actually was not cleared to compete, but despite some grumbles from Twitter there were no exceptions to her hex.
Mark won the POV over Alex. Alex actually got to the finish before Mark, but dropped her answer on the way up the slide and had to go retrieve it giving Mark the win. There was discussion in the house that Alex threw the comp to Mark, but I highly doubt that after their fight last Thursday after the show.
Things got exciting and tense in the house on Tuesday where for some reason Jessica decided to go after Josh for really no reason. Josh, Paul, and Jason were in the kitchen having a regular discussion when Jessica oddly asked Josh if he could spell drought. He did, and she replied "that's okay I'm sure I can find 100 words that you couldn't spell." It was an odd and out of the blue attack on his intelligence (but fitting with her mean girl persona). He initially let it go and went outside. However, he could not let it go that long and went back inside and asked her if she knew how to spell eviction and ALL. HELL. BROKE. LOSE.
During the spat Cody went extremely personal with the attacks telling Josh that he would destroy him when the cameras were no longer on and then he would slander Josh all over the media, so that everyone would see who he truly was. Josh, nicely standing up for himself, told Cody that there were cameras all over the house and everyone knows the true Josh and the true Cody. By the end of this fight Jessica was in Josh's face screaming and banging a wooden spoon so hard that it broke. Later, after this spat ended Josh decided to go to his old pots and pans shtick and Cody charged him several times.
Cody and Josh got called into the diary room and both told to knock it off. This is at least the third time this season that Cody has tried to get someone to fight him by yelling "what are you going to do about it" with the most recent being last week when he poured his drink on the HOH room floor and challenged Paul.
Some of the house guests have noticed how production is keeping a tight leash on them (Jason was put in time out twice in one day) while seemingly letting Jessica and Cody get away with just about anything. Jessica got in Christmas's face in week 1 which prompted production to warn everyone not to get in people's faces. She did it again with Josh and got absolutely no warning from production at all. There seems to be a double standard with the house guests. What makes it even more perplexing is that Cody and Jessica are just horrible people who use threats and bullying to try to get their way and production constantly tries to humanize them on the show. Mind you the show has been number 1 on each night that it is on this entire summer for the first time in years, but there are other great personalities in the house without showcasing the worst of human nature.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox.
Anyways, Mark used the POV to remove himself from the block and Josh put up Raven, which means that no matter who goes home this week one of the couple will be broken up.
No evictions
HOH - Josh (1st win)
Safe - Cody
Temptation Nom - Jessica (Third Nomination)
Noms - Mark and Elena (1st nomination for both)
POV - Mark (1st win)
Renom - Raven (1st nom)
12. Jessica
Up until Tuesday I had Cody ranked lower than Jessica, but she managed to blow her own game up again as I talked about above. The stupid move on her part was that Josh tried to tell her several times she was not the target but she would not listen. Had she actually been playing the game instead of house with Cody she would have known to just stay low key all week and probably even try to help Josh pull one over on Paul by evicting Elena (who was Josh's target). Instead she bullied and insulted Josh for most of the week where everyone could see, so her game is effectively over.
11. Cody
There is absolutely nothing redeemable about Cody. All he knows is veiled threats and bullying. It's gotten to the point where Kevin even discussed going to production to ask to have Cody removed from the game because he was dangerous. Earlier in the week Kevin had actually made a deal with Cody to protect him. Kevin is kind of on point with this. However, Cody is a coward. He will never strike first. He has tried several times (Josh and Paul) to get them to hit him by getting in there faces. He only knows one mode and that is attack mode. Josh got in trouble with production for instigating for banging pots and pans. However, Cody has continuously attempted to instigate and production has largely let him slide. If Jessica is evicted it will be interesting to see how he copes. Does he fight or does he give up.
10. Elena
Elena has a similar problem to Jessica in that she does not know how to lay low. If you are worried that you are being put up to be evicted you do not really want to go after the HOH, you want to try to mend fences with that person and try to get off the radar. Unfortunately Elena did the exact opposite and went after Josh for putting her up which put a bigger target on her back. Fortunately for Elena, Jessica put a much larger target on herself and for the most part Elena has remained low profile since then. That could be her one saving grace.
9. Mark
Mark is one of the biggest side-flippers I can remember in recent Big Brother history. He changes sides every week and even changed sides this week. He was initially with Paul and Josh but after Paul called him out for laughing during the Josh/Jessica/Cody fight (which he was) Mark went back to Cody's side. Mark had said to Paul a few weeks ago that he could not stand by an watch some one be fat shamed (Mark was fat when he was younger), yet stood by while Cody and Jessica fat shamed Josh. Mark attempted to redirect by asking why Paul stood by when Josh was harassing Mark (never mind that Paul was the one that instigated it). Mark is still not a top target but his flip-flopping will make that target grow much larger. Whoever wins HOH tonight, Mark will attempt to join that person.
8. Raven
Raven's non-stop story topping has finally began wearing down the house guests. She seriously will top whatever story is currently being told. She is putting a target on herself. I mostly go to a different camera whenever she is talking because it will normally come around to how awful her life is.
7. Christmas
Christmas has a definite do as I say not as I do vibe about her. She told Josh not to listen to everything Paul said and then spent the first part of the week convincing Josh to listen to everything she said. She is actually a nicer Jessica, in that she is a mean girl but can pass it off a little better than Jessica without the threats. Having said that, certain house guests have begun taking notice of this and we could see Christmas on the block sooner rather than later.
6. Matt
Matt is sneaky good. To this point I am still not sure if he is actually bad at comps or throwing them on purpose. He really reminds me of BB16 winner Derrick. Derrick had a secret two person alliance that lasted the entire game. Where the similarity is that Derrick did not really start winning comps until closer to the end of the season. He even remarked towards the end that he was throwing comps in a way that would not be noticed. It worked, and that could be Matt's game as well. Or he is just really bad at comps.
5. Kevin
Kevin hurt himself this week by being seen not only talking game with Cody but making a deal with him. That plan is probably all but over after Cody attacked Josh on Tuesday. As I stated above Kevin now not only wants Cody out of the game but thinks he should be removed from the game. If Kevin can recover from his game playing with Cody he has a legitimate chance of making the final two and possibly even pulling off a win. Everyone in the house loves the guy and why not. The man has a story for literally every occasion and situation.
4. Jason
I am not quite sure what to make of Jason, other than he has linked himself to Alex which will get him far in this game. No one really seems to have an issue with him as he is loud mouth fun guy in the house. However, he has not really been competitive in any of the comps. At some point he is going to need to start picking up wins or he may be finding his way to the jury.
3. Josh
Josh found himself this week after winning HOH. He has been counseled by Paul, Christmas, Kevin, and Matt about not giving into Cody and Jessica's taunts and bullying. He stood up for himself. He did have his break down later, but he is turning into a formidable player.
2. Alex
Alex had a bit of a hiccup on Thursday when she stated that Mark and Elena looked upset when Josh won HOH with Mark sitting there, but she was able to put it back on Mark and keep the target on him. She had a mostly quite week since and has stayed out of the light which only helps her game.
1. Paul
As long as Jessica is evicted tonight, Paul will have had a hand in every single ejection this season. To top that off, despite Jody having power a combined three weeks, Paul has managed to keep all three of their targets safe. He is rolling through this season and though several house guests have said he has to go, no one seems willing to pull that trigger yet.
I fully expect Jessica to go home tonight. I could see a vote of 7-1. Even though Elena started the week off as Josh's target, Paul had already begun edging him more towards Jessica and that was before the big fight on Tuesday. I have not heard any discussions since the fight of anyone voting out Elena or Raven, though Christmas has already marked Raven as a target in the coming weeks.
Jessica was evicted by a 7-1 vote, with Cody voting to evict Raven. She went out much like she played the game by insulting other game players in her speech. Tactless to the end. In her interview with Julie following her eviction she stated that it was worth throwing away $500,000 because she was in love with Cody, a man she met about 50 days ago. She did state in her pre-show interview that she was more interested in a showmance than winning the show. At least she got what she wanted.
HOH Winner
In another True/False HOH Comp similar to the one two weeks ago that Paul won it came down to Raven (again) and Alex on the final question which Alex got correct to win her second HOH of the summer. One would believe that the target this week is easily going to be Cody, but who knows with this crew.
Stay tuned!
Temptation Comp
In the final temptation competition of the season Mark won (which is his 2nd temptation win) and is safe for the week. Matt came in last (supposedly throwing it) so he is the automatic third nominee. The plan as of now is to put Jason and Elena on the block and to backdoor Cody. As long as Cody is not chosen for the Power of Veto competition the plan should go through without a hitch.
Stay tuned!
Block nominations
Alex nominated Elena (her 2nd nomination and 2nd consecutive week on the block) and Jason (his 2nd time on the block but first nomination). Jason is the one true pawn on the block. Elena has been told she is a pawn but is actually up there in case Cody wins the POV. As the POV players have been picked and Cody was not among them everything looks to be on track to evict him on Thursday and the first jury member. As everything is now playing out to the house's advantage this SHOULD be a quiet week. We shall see.
Stay tuned!
POV Comp
Matt won POV. The plan as of now is to take Jason off the block and replace him with Cody. If Matt takes himself off the block there is no replacement. Elena managed to piss off her second HOH in as many weeks after promising each other not to give the other a punishment (that Elena prompted) and then preceded to give Alex a punishment.
POV Ceremony
As expected Matt removed Jason from the block and Alex put Cody on as his replacement. The block is now Cody, Elena, and Matt. As of now Cody will be evicted on Thursday. However, Elena continues to sabatoge her own game for some unknown reason. If Elena is evicted on Thursday instead of Cody it will not surprise me, but I fully expect Cody to be evicted.
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