Draining The Swamp Indeed!

Apparently, Republicans do not have the slightest clue what the phrase "drain the swamp" actually means. Of course, it could be that they were completely lying and/or fooled. I will give you credit and believe it is the former because the latter makes you look so absolutely horrible at best and absolutely gullible at worst.
For the final month of the election one of Donald Trump's favorite catch phrases was "drain the swamp". Those of us that live in reality knew that it was exactly that, a catch phrase. We knew that Trump had no interest in draining the swamp and we said it consistently. Not to mention in order to drain said swamp every member of Congress running for re-election would have to be defeated. His fans, though, took it hook, line, and sinker.
Since the election he has went about filling his cabinet with the same people he railed against throughout his campaign; including several prominent Goldman Sach's employees. You remember Goldman's right? Hillary Clinton gave several high profile speeches to the group and led the charge of declaring that she was unfit to be president because of those speeches. Trump hires them to run the government and you cheer. I would call you hypocritical but you have become so hyper-sensitive since the election I fear you might call for a boycott of my blog. On second though with the recent failures of the boycotts I am all for it. You are hypocrites to the highest extreme.
For sixty years all you wanted to talk about was how evil the Russians were. It was the focal point of the Cold War. Even after the Cold War you still shouted from the loudest mountains that the Russians were evil and not to be trusted. You ramped it up over the last eight years and then suddenly the day after the election Russia somehow became our best ally in your eyes.
Take my last blog for example. The main focus of that blog was to point out that Trump lied to you about making sure that Hillary Clinton goes to jail, locking up all terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, sending immigrants back to their country, building the wall, and repealing the Affordable Care Act and you completely ignored all of that. You were too busy defending Russia. Hypocrites.
Let us talk about the alt-right for a moment. By the way, that is the last time you will see those words appear in any of my blogs. They are Nazis and white supremacists, pure and simple. It is amazing how you can mock and make fun of political correctness and safe spaces but are very hyper sensitive about racists not being called racists. They made up a fake phrase and you accepted it with no qualms what-so-ever.
The newest failure in the simple concept of drain the swamp is the 11th hour action by House Republicans to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics. This will allow the new Congress and the new president to do as they see fit (much like North Carolina Republicans did to make sure the incoming governor had next to no power).
I am sure you will cheer with glee. I had though to ask how much will be too much before you say enough (Trump has yet to be sworn into office) but I know the answer. Trump and his ilk are free to do whatever they want for the next four years and you will cheer him on like the good nationalists that you are.
*Trump did come out and tweet that the Republicans should be focusing on other things that the Ethics Board (this once again shows his vast ignorance of how the government works as this was the last act of the old Congress) but he did call the ethics board "very unfair".
After receiving thousands of calls Republicans have decided not to go through with their attempt to gut the Ethics Board.
- -- Posted by Manuel on Tue, Jan 3, 2017, at 3:38 PM
- -- Posted by allstar69 on Tue, Jan 3, 2017, at 4:17 PM
- -- Posted by divorcedugly on Wed, Jan 4, 2017, at 10:05 AM
- -- Posted by JohnGalt1968 on Wed, Jan 4, 2017, at 5:41 PM
- -- Posted by fit2btied on Thu, Jan 5, 2017, at 10:52 PM
- -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Fri, Jan 6, 2017, at 7:41 AM
- -- Posted by fit2btied on Sat, Jan 7, 2017, at 9:28 PM
- -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Mon, Jan 9, 2017, at 5:22 PM
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