Big Brother Week 4 Recap and Update and Announcement

Tomorrow I am headed to Nebraska for some reunions and a concert. Since I will be out of town for the Thursday eviction show, the Friday fight back show for the first five eliminated and the Sunday recap show I am going to do my rankings and recaps early this week.
Also because of this trip I will not be doing the Presidential Election Projection. In face, I have decided to wait until the week after the Democratic Convention to get a better view of the landscape. Donald Trump should see an increase in support this week as the Republican Convention plays out and Clinton should also see an increase next week during the Democratic Convention.
Tiffany and Frank upon finding out that the house was attempting to get both of them out, the live feeds after the Thursday show erupted.
Bridgette and Natalie were both in shock as up until the vote tally was announced they had been assured that Bronte was staying.
Frank spend most of the night trying to figure out who the votes were that went against his and Bridgette's wishes. He came to the conclusion that Michelle, Zakiyah, Paulie, James, and Da'Vonne had voted Bronte out. This was spurred on by Nicole and Corey who were the actual votes instead of James and Paulie.
As that dust was settling Tiffany pulled Frank into the Have Not room and wanted to know why he was going after her so her. Frank told Tiffany because she was coming after him. Tiffany asked Frank where he got the idea and Franks said (loudly) several times that Da'Vonne told him that Tiffany was trying to get the girls together to get him out.
At this point Da'Vonne went ballistic yelling at Frank calling him a liar and stating that next week he would be leaving the house. Frank, to his credit, stayed mostly calm and kept saying that Da'Vonne had told him that Tiffany was going after him. He also said that Da'Vonne's been after Tiffany from almost the beginning.
The amazing thing here is that Frank was actually telling the truth. Da'Vonne got mad at Tiffany during a POV contest during the first week and had been after Tiffany from that point on. Tiffany also had tried (and partially succeeded) in forming the Fatal 5 (her, Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, Nicole, and Michelle) and her first target was Frank.
Paulie had won HOH and was very insistent on getting Tiffany out. To his credit he wanted her out last week and voted to evict her last week, but this week he went off the rails in his zeal to get her out. He continually brought up her sister Vanessa (who was on the show the previous season and finished runner up), and this seems to be the only reason he wants her out.
Remember, Paulie is the brother Big Brother 16 runner up Cody. If the house mates (and this is doubtful) actually see the similarities he could become a target quickly.
Paulie put Tiffany and Natalie on the block. Everyone has told Natalie that she is just a pawn but she doesn't trust anyone other than James and that took a hit this week.
Tiffany, after finding out what was going on the house had an emotional break down. During this break down she was crying to Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, and Michelle. Throughout all three were laughing at her. Frank walked in at one point and asked what was going on. Da'Vonne told him nothing. In a moment that lead to an alliance between the two Frank said I see one girl crying and three laughing I wouldn't call that nothing.
After her breakdown Tiffany called herself a free agent and she didn't care anymore and she was going to clean house.
Tiffany won the Roadkill (which involved putting air fresheners on lines in a stink filled RV) and in direct shot at Paulie put up his best friend in the house Corey.
Corey won the POV and after some wrangling on what he was going to do removed himself from the block and Tiffany put up Da'Vonne. Her and Frank have been trying all week to get the votes to get her out, we'll see how it goes on Thursday.
Right now the plan is still to get Tiffany out.
There is a new faction in the house though they have no actual name. I call them the mean girls because all they do when they are together is trash the other people in the house. It's mostly directed at Frank and Tiffany but no one is safe from the mean girls. They primarily consist of Michelle, Da'Vonne, and Zakiyah. From time to time Nicole will join in. There really is no redeeming quality to Michelle she has been the catalyst in most of the drama that has taken place in the house. When Frank and Da had their blow up, Michelle went to the rest of the house and said that Frank was antagonizing Da'Vonne which was an absolute lie.
HOH: Paulie won, accidentally ensuring that Frank could not be evicted this week which derailed Da'Vonne's plans.
BLOCK: Natalie and Tiffany were placed on the block.
ROADKILL: Tiffany won Roadkill and put up Corey.
POV: Corey won the POV and removed himself. Tiffany, as the Roadkill winner replaced him with Da'Vonne.
Although nothing is set in stone the rankings are based on what has happened this week.
12. Da'Vonne - Her entire game was blown up this week and it was almost entirely her doing. Despite being warned by Paulie that if they voted against Frank he would gun for them she still went through with her plan to go against him. I also felt that if Frank found out what was going on he would tell Tiffany everything and try to go after Da. That has now happened. Even if Da survives this week the focus is squarely on her back.
11. Natalie - Natalie suddenly found herself on her own. She has some protection with having a showmance with James and staying close to Bridgette and Frank. However, she is still on the block and could potentially be evicted this week.
10. Michelle - As mentioned above Michelle is the leader of the mean girls. She rarely has anything nice to say and I wonder how long it is before the rest of the house catches on that she is the focus on all the drama. Not only that but she calls herself a super fan of the show but doesn't really seem to know how the show works.
9. Zakiyah - As a member of the mean girls here only true alliance seams to be with Da. At this point it looks like she is just using Paulie to make sure she stays safe. She doesn't really compete in any of the comps. Time will tell if she eventually becomes a target or is dragged through the game.
8. Nicole - She went against Franks plans but has so far eluded Frank in his quest to find out who voted against him. However she is an honorary member of the mean girls and she is attempting to play both sides of the house without much success.
7. Paul - Paul gets a huge break for not being put on the block for the first time. He seems to be a beast at the game when he wants to be. Right now he is spying on all the factions of the house without anyone knowing. If he can keep it up without being found out he should go far.
6. Paulie - Even though he is the HOH this week he has spent so much time on Tiffany/Vanessa that he is in danger of not getting out his target.
5. Corey - He may not be sharpest tool in the shed but he has played his cards pretty good to this point being good friends with Paulie and Frank (the leader of both factions). He will vote this week they way the house is going meaning that he will stay safe.
4. Bridgette - She stays up because of her connection to Frank. Though she was blindsided by the house last week she is still not on anyone's target list.
3. Tiffany - Though she is on the block and the target of the house she finally decided to show up and play and pretty much blew up everyone's game in the house. Even more she attached herself to the best player of the game and if he can help her survive this week she is good for quite some time.
2. James - He continues to fly under the radar not making any waves. Despite his issues with Natalie they have patched that up and James just keeps going.
1. Frank - He came back in a big way this week exposing Da'Vonne's plans and completely ruining her game. Plus he has mostly stayed under the radar as well going back to the Frank of old that just kind of hangs out.
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