Looking at the Election with a Positive Light ... sort of

Posted Thursday, November 4, 2010, at 11:10 PM
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    "(oddly enough one Senator posing nude in his younger days and another Senator candidate dabbling in witchcraft is no big deal for the TEA Party conservatives, but liberals, or people they believe to be liberals, not paying their taxes thirty years ago is so bad they should not be appointed to government positions. I will let the bigger irony of that rest with you)"

    Why do you find this ironic Mike? The TEA Party folks as far as I had seen billed themselves as fiscal conservatives not social conservatives. I kinda find it ironic that Liberals such as yourself are the ones who seemed to be trying to make a big deal out of social issues that you usually claim should have no bearing. Once again, Mr. Pot seems to be rearing his ugly head.

    -- Posted by SWNebr Transplant on Fri, Nov 5, 2010, at 9:04 AM
  • Despite the claims (interesting how people that do not know me or how I think, though they do like claiming they do, know exactly that the election tomorrow is why I am backing off) no matter the outcome tomorrow I will not blog on it.

    ala Michael Hendricks 11/01/10 5:58 pm

    -- Posted by doodle bug on Fri, Nov 5, 2010, at 10:36 AM
  • Mike,

    If someone wants to run the Treasury Department, they should pay their taxes and know how to fill out a tax return, at the very least. It is directly relevant to the job being applied for as opposed to someone who played witch games in high school or posed for some racy pictures. It's the equivalent of hiring an Attorney General who doesn't know how to file a court case. It's directly relevant to the position.

    -- Posted by McCook1 on Fri, Nov 5, 2010, at 1:36 PM
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    I don't remember on what blog it was mentioned but a poster commented about Obama's trip to India costing $200 million a day, including several aircraft and an armada of Navy ships escorting.

    Turns out that comments was based on a widely inaccurate story by an Inidan news agency.


    There is no facts to support the original story and the pundits I have seen on tv can't give any facts to back up the story.

    The most interesting item from the above story that if this is true. Obama's trip is costing more per day than the war in Afghanistan.

    Just another faux story cooked up to paint Obama in any negative light possible.

    -- Posted by MichaelHendricks on Fri, Nov 5, 2010, at 4:50 PM
  • Come on Mike. Some of your points here about Obama's policies not getting through are exactly like saying, "well the attacker pointed a gun at my head and threatened my life, but he never pulled the trigger, so everything is hunkie dorie!"


    We were so close to cap and trade! We were so close to haveing Gitmo shut down and having terroists running the streets!

    Maybe you don't think cap and trade is bad for you, maybe it's not. I'm sure, judging from the past, that if consumer prices spiked 20% due to it, you would no doubt get a raise since the unions have their own wing in the White House.

    I would be out of business, and so would 1000's of other small service businesses. As consumers that wouldn't get union raises would be struggling to make ends meet, they would certainly cancel services. Not only would I lose business, but I would struggle myself to pay for the skyrocketing costs of doing business.

    Then, as we are all going out of business, we are now unemployed and NOT paying taxes. Federal tax revenue is going down, we still haven't paid off that $30 bil teacher and public sector bail-out, or the stimulus. Now we're paying $800 bil a year in interest on our debt. So there is no money left to "help" us out.

    Meanwhile, the planet is still getting warmer or whatever it is you think is happening, ever though 1/2 of us are out of work. The government is still flying all over the world to meet people, and see stuff...buring up all kinds of fuel. Federal workers still get to put gas in their federal cars. It's great! We're saving the world!

    Obama spent all this time TRYING to get his policies done, and wasted all this money and time and never helped what really needed help...the economy.

    He spent 2 years vilifying business and what a surprise, business is not any better. His policy for punishing big business has worked! Just spending 2 years growing the federal government and ******* on the backs of people like me trying to work for other people on my own have been successful.

    Now maybe he's made some poor people "feel" better by doing this, but are they any better off.

    If I was truly a poor man, I would hope and pray that some millionaire somehwhere would spend his money on something that I could make for him or do for him to provide me with a job for my family. Moreso than wanting to be dependant on King Obama to throw me a bone so I can be a little better than poor, but always in his need.

    I agree with you and the DADT. I don't think we can legislate morals and values. I certianly don't agree with gay marriage, but I also side with your dad on the level of victimless crimes and laws in this country. Are we truly free with this many laws?

    -- Posted by Justin76 on Fri, Nov 5, 2010, at 4:55 PM
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    I just heard that John Boehner is using 200 million tax payer dollars a day to keep his skin dark.

    I know it's not true, but when so little of the lies and distortion of the Democratic Party and Barack Obama are simply taken as truth with no question I figure what's wrong with a little white lie about Boehner. I'm sure he doesn't charge the tax payers $200 million a day, I'm sure it's closer to $175 million a day.

    Ha now I know why people say whatever they want to about our leaders with no basis in fact and all the lying they can handle. It is so much easier than actually doing the research and telling the truth.

    -- Posted by MichaelHendricks on Sat, Nov 6, 2010, at 4:52 PM
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    I keep hearing that the TEA Party cleaned up in this years election and that they now represent the Republican Party and the 112th Congress.

    Here's the funny thing, as natural the facts don't match up to the rhetoric.

    There were 138 races involving a politician that was TEA Party backed. To this point, not including races not yet decided they are 44-88. That doesn't really seem like a clear victory to for the TEA Party. In fact, despite all the rhetoric it seems very laughable.

    As I have said, and the facts back me up, Democrats actually voted more liberally, but the picture shows quite readily that Republicans voted much more moderate than the pundits would have you believe. This election didn't move Congress right, it moved it to the middle, which oddly enough in the bizarro world is still WAY TOO liberal.

    -- Posted by MichaelHendricks on Sun, Nov 7, 2010, at 3:07 PM
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    "Why do you find this ironic Mike? The TEA Party folks as far as I had seen billed themselves as fiscal conservatives not social conservatives."

    -Posted by SWnebr

    I don't know SW, maybe it's because the TEA Party doesn't seem to know the first thing about what the tax system in the United States is. Maybe it's because they still believe that their taxes have gone up over the last two years when they have actually gone down. It's kind of hard to reconcile them claiming to be fiscal conservatives when they really don't understand spending in the first place.

    -- Posted by MichaelHendricks on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 9:29 AM
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