Pink postcards misleading

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dear Editor,

I received a notice of a proposed tax increase (PINK POSTCARD) in the recent mail. Upon inspection, I found it listed 2023 Taxes on my home of $568.50 and 2024 taxes Estimated at $568.50, or no change from 2023. Also was information about a Public Hearing to be held on Sept. 17, 2024 at the City Municipal Center, which I attended. During the meeting, which was lightly attended by residents who were not employed by the City of McCook or on the City Council, Nate Schneider (City Manager) provided much information as to what city tax revenue is spent on. Towards the end of the presentation, we were told the ACTUAL 2024 TAX figures would be increasing from the current rate of 33 cents to a new rate of 44 cents, or a 33 percent increase (by my math). I feel that had these figures been provided on the pink postcards the attendance would have overflowed the meeting room. WHY WAS Red Willow County able to keep its tax request quite modest while the City of McCook chose to increase nearly 33 percent? Perhaps Red Willow County has Better Management. SOMETHING HAS GOT TO CHANGE.


Keith Delano,

McCook, Neb.