McCook school board approves modest budget

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

McCOOK Neb. - The McCook Public School Board unanimously approved The Budget and Tax Request Resolution for the 2024-2025 school at the Monday, Sept. 9, 2024, School Board Meeting. 

Before the regular meeting, the McCook School Board held a Budget and special hearing to set the final tax request. The total available resources before property taxes are $23,031,512.00, which includes the necessary cash reserve of $3,211,456.00. That leaves the total personal and real property tax requirement at $9,413,131.00 

Business Manager Jeff Gross said, "The difference between this published budget this year and last year is a 2.556% overall growth in our general fund. And when you take all funds together, it's .44% less than half a percent increase in school asking. So I wanted to make a note of that because the state, underneath the allowable growth percentages set forth by the state of Nebraska, was allowed 2% base growth, along with real assessed valuation in our county, that came in as real growth, which was point seven five. We're staying underneath the 2.75 allowable growth. We did not have to participate in the pink postcards that were made."

Superintendent Grant Norgaard shared that the Informational Website regarding the McCook Junior and Senior High Bond will be up and live by Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024. The district will host several events designed to inform the community about the bond and provide opportunities for patrons to visit the school facilities. The first Bond Information meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024, at 6 p.m. in the Junior High cafeteria. 

During public comment, a grandmother spoke to the board and made suggestions to improve the special education provided for students like her grandson.

Kyson Barger, son of Scott and Tyra Barger, was sworn in as the new student board member. 

Students participating in FFA presented their plan to attend the 97th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Oct. 23-26. The Board approved the trip and praised the students' achievements and the local businesses and individuals sponsoring the McCook FFA program. 

The district is actively recruiting new teachers, including attending job fairs. They're considering housing options for student teachers to make the positions more attractive. McCook Senior High School Principal Craig Dickes said, "Everything going on in McCook is beneficial." sharing that the ability to tell people that we have the new pool and YMCA improvements aid in attracting new teachers to want to move to the area.

The Board approved removing redundant policies and updated others to fit a new policy manual. They also approved local substitute certificates to ensure adequate classroom coverage and accepted the retirements of three long-time staff members and the resignations of one who will be moving. 

The Board reviewed an updated action plan for improving student achievement, which includes professional development activities like teacher training on artificial intelligence. The team will prepare for an external team visit in February 2025. 

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  • Congratulations. The school board follows a long history of holding property tax increases a a bare minimum. Wise stewards of fiscal resources while maintaining high academic achievement. Compared to other area schools and the state average the per pupil cost is very low. Again, great job!

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 4:22 PM
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