New manager named for Norris House

Thursday, September 5, 2024
A life-size bronze sculpture of Sen. Georg W. Norris gazes out over the street bearing his name. Created by sculptors Gary Ginther and Jon Leitner of Cambridge, the statue kept watch from the front lawn of his home at 706 Norris Ave. since 2007.
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — The Nebraska State Historical Society has announced Nathan Leach of Kearney as the new site manager for the Senator George Norris Historic Site (Norris House) in McCook.

Leach worked along side Laurie Sinner of McCook, the outgoing site manager, who is retired after three years in the role.

“I loved educating the public and interacting with other organizations in the community,” Sinner said. Sinner played a key, often behind-the-scenes role in many events in the McCook community. Although she will no longer be the site manager, she plans to continue working at the house as a volunteer.

Nathan Leach

As the new site manager, Leach will oversee the preservation of the site and educate the public about Senator Norris through tours, virtual field trips, and by serving as a subject matter expert and resource for the community. “Just like Laurie, a core part of the site manager role will be working within the McCook community and supporting community programs and education,” Leach said. He added that he is honored to work with the McCook community to promote the life and legacy of one of America’s greatest senators.

Leach brings a wealth of experience and dedication to his new role. A former page in the Arizona State Senate, he enlisted in the Nebraska Army National Guard as a paralegal specialist and has a strong passion for civic engagement and education. He also serves on the board of the Norris Institute, which promotes, educates, and celebrates the life and legacy of Senator Norris in the McCook area.

In his previous role, Leach served as the executive director of Nonpartisan Nebraska from its inception in 2016 until March 2024. Under his leadership, Nonpartisan Nebraska became a pivotal force in advocating for nonpartisan governance and civic education. Leach’s commitment to Nebraska’s legislative history is well-documented. His tenure at Nonpartisan Nebraska saw significant strides in promoting the principles of nonpartisan governance that Senator Norris championed. His work with Civic Nebraska as a voting rights field organizer further underscores his dedication to civic participation and voting rights advocacy.“This historically preserved house, built in the 1880s, stands as a testament to Nebraska’s rich history and the enduring legacy of former U.S. Sen. George W. Norris,” Leach said.

For more information on the Senator George Norris Historic Site, visit the Nebraska State Historical Society website at

— About Nebraska State Historical Society (NSHS) NSHS collects, preserves, and shares Nebraska’s history for all people.  NSHS operates the Nebraska History Museum in Lincoln and historic sites around the state including Chimney Rock Museum, Fort Robinson History Center, Neligh Mill State Historic Site, Thomas Kennard State Historic Site, Senator George Norris State Historic Site, John Neihardt State Historic Site, and over 570 historical markers placed across Nebraska. NSHS the Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center; the Office of the State Archeologist; publishes Nebraska History Magazine and books; and is responsible for the administration of the Nebraska Hall of Fame Commission. More at and follow on Facebook, Instagram and X.

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  • Welcome to McCook. A very bright young man who is extremely knowledgeable about Norris and the Unicameral. He is already a member of the Norris Institute.

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Sat, Sep 7, 2024, at 12:50 PM
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