
As school starts, safe driving is more important than ever

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

As summer comes to an end and the new school year begins, it’s a critical time for residents of Southwest Nebraska to prioritize safe driving. The Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department (SWNPHD) is actively encouraging our community to prevent injuries and save lives by practicing safe driving habits. Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of injury, particularly among teens and young adults, and many of these injuries can be prevented by simply wearing seat belts and avoiding distractions while driving.

“Please put your phone down and buckle up for the safety of yourself and others on the road,” urges Sarah Minnick, Program Manager at SWNPHD. These two straightforward actions significantly reduce the risk of injury in an accident. Distracted driving, which includes anything that diverts attention from the road, is especially dangerous. Texting while driving increases the likelihood of a crash by 23 times. Last year alone, 3,405 Nebraska drivers were involved in distracted driving crashes.

The importance of wearing a seat belt cannot be overstated. Seat belts are proven to increase survival rates in accidents. Shockingly, more than 70% of fatalities in passenger vehicle crashes involved individuals who were not wearing seat belts, according to Nebraska’s Highway Safety Office. Nationwide, the seat belt use rate is 92%, yet Nebraska lags behind at 77%. The rates are even lower in the nine counties served by SWNPHD, with some areas reporting a disturbing low of 36%.

To address this issue, the Nebraska Highway Safety Office has provided funding to reduce injuries and fatalities related to occupant protection. SWNPHD is utilizing these funds to educate youth and young adults about the importance of seat belt use and the dangers of distracted driving. This public messaging campaign runs from June 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024, and aims to raise awareness and encourage safer driving practices.

As we send our children back to school, let’s remember that their safety on the road is paramount. Buckling up and putting away our phones are simple actions that can make a world of difference. For more information on safe driving practices and the campaign, contact SWNPHD at 308-345-4223 or visit their website at swhealth.ne.gov. You can also follow SWNPHD on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok for additional resources and updates.

Together, we can create a safer Southwest Nebraska by making responsible choices behind the wheel. Let’s commit to driving safely and protecting our community.

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