
A wonderful time of the year any time of the year

Thursday, July 25, 2024
Linda Taylor

Anyone who visits my house sees two signs posted around my home.

One signs says: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” This is a sign that you would normally see at Christmas. But every week and month can be the most wonderful time of the year — it is up to us to make it that way.

Throughout the year - not just at the holidays — you can find ways to appreciate the delightful moments. Just this past month is filled with memories to celebrate each day and last a lifetime.

I am particularly fond of July as it is the month that we have a huge family reunion. I enjoy seeing how the younger family members have grown and listening to what is happening in their busy world. And the adults share their ideas about what is going on in their community and around them. Ultimately, it is important to take time for family.

Freedom Fest wrapped up earlier in July at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds. With more than 200 volunteers, it was a huge success. I was blessed to volunteer for one of the rides that spun around and went up and down for the children. To watch the smiles on brothers and sisters holding hands as they rode the ride and the excited faces on family members as they simply had fun was heartwarming. Added bonus: Celebrating our freedom is so important.

The Red Willow County Fair is coming up along with many other fairs in our region. I have fond memories of the fair days in the past.

I was a member of the Driftwood Feeders 4-H Club. We had to get our calves and sheep ready for the fair along with various baked goods. It was always a busy but fun time for all of us.

The 4-H motto is “To Make the Best Better” is something we should all try to work on daily.

The fair is a great time to go see what is new in farm equipment, explore all the new things in the merchant building, enjoy the great goodies at the church food booths and walk around the wonderful open class and 4-H exhibits. And I am sure the Red Willow County rodeo and the other entertainment will be top notch.

Thank you to Jiles and the Red Willow County fair board for making this another great event for families to enjoy.

All these events just show the great things happening in the community. But putting on an event is only part of what needs to be done.

Many times after a great event, I hear from people that they would have gone to the activity if only they had know about it in advance.

Which begs the question, how do we get the message out to everyone?

McCook is a great community and has a lot of wonderful things going on but to continue these events, everyone needs to know what is going on.

Please take time to call the McCook Community of Commerce at 308-345-3200 and leave your suggestions as to how we can improve on our communication. Is it email or a text? A poster or a billboard? A radio commercial or an ad in the paper?

Social media, but which platform? There are so many forms of communication these days that it is hard to narrow down the most effective way to reach people, so any insight would be helpful.

And another group which is working to make McCook an impact is the McCook Community Foundation Fund. The city swimming pool is open for free for everyone, thanks to a grant from the foundation to cover the entrance fees this summer. And MCFF also is paying for all lifeguard training for anyone working at the YMCA or the McCook city pool, removing a barrier to get the employees needed to have the facility open as much as possible.

Your donations to MCFF have made a lot of great things happen in our region and will help in the future.

As for the second sign says in my house, it reads: “No matter where life takes us or how far away we roam, our hearts may make the journey but McCook will always be our home.”

I look forward to seeing all of you at the fair, at the swimming pool, or around the community.

— Linda Taylor is the mayor of McCook, a member of the McCook Community Foundation Fund and McCook’s biggest cheerleader.

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