Chiefs break 0-0 tie and top Colts in overtime

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Chiefs quarterback Isaac Snyder (19, above) gets a pass just before pressure arrives as coaches Eli Kehler and Garrett Kaps (below) helped inspire victory.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — The Chiefs stopped a final four plays from their 10-yard line and Beau Bednar’s 10-yard run gave them a 6-0 MFL overtime victory over the Colts Monday evening.

Bednar shook tackles while absorbing some tough hits throughout this seventh-eighth grade contest.

Yet after four quarters locked at 0-0, Chiefs teammates opened up one nice crease and Bednar zoomed into the end zone almost untouched.

R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

Colts stopped an ensuing two-point play to go with several strong defensive stands. Yet despite their own strong rushing efforts, they fell to 0-2 overall while Chiefs evened their season record at 1-1.

The Colts’ Justin Chancellor (30) had already slipped an almost certain sack, spun right and took off with several Chiefs in pursuit during McCook Monday Night Football League action at Weiland Field. Chiefs pursuing the play include Eastyn Vrbas (75), Alec Garcia (39) and Myles Nelms (40). They eventually took down Chancellor and eventually finished a 6-0 shutout victory in overtime.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette
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