College board reviews progress at MCC East Campus

Thursday, July 18, 2024
MPCC photo

McCook, Neb. — A tour of the new East Campus was among the highlights of the Mid-Plains Community College Board of Governors meeting Wednesday in McCook.

It was 53 weeks ago the college held a brick-breaking ceremony to begin construction at the former Elks Club at 905 E. Seventh Street.

The project allows the college to expand and enhance its nursing, emergency medical services and business and community education program offerings. The building was constructed in the mid-1950s. It is a two-level, 29,000-square-foot building on about 14.5 acres.

MPCC photo

Officials anticipate completion of the project in early 2025.

During the meeting, several significant actions were taken, and new staff members were introduced to the Board.

Official Club Status:

MPCC photo

The Board unanimously approved MPCC Sports Media as an official student club, a move anticipated to enhance student engagement and provide new opportunities in sports journalism and media production.

New Staff Introductions:

• Dr. Dharma Jairam was introduced as the new Dean of Business and Humanities by Dr. Jody Tomanek, Vice President of Academic Affairs.

• Clint Reading was welcomed as the Dean of Science, Math, Health & Applied Technology.

Jennifer Fuller joined as the new Public Information Specialist.

Vehicle Purchases:

The Board approved the acquisition of six cars from Premier Toyota of North Platte, with each vehicle costing $27,000, bringing the total expenditure to $162,000.

Additionally, the purchase of a mini-van and a 15-passenger van from Wagner Auto Group in McCook was approved for a combined total of $97,153.

Financial Approvals:

Bills for May were approved in the amount of $1,674,451.65.

Bills for June were approved in the amount of $2,185,167.98.

Compensation Adjustments:

The Board approved an adjustment to the adjunct instructor compensation rate, setting it at $950 per credit hour.

Closed Session:

At 7:42 p.m., the Board entered into a closed session for the protection of public interest. No actions were taken following the closed session, and the Board reconvened in open session at 8:13 p.m.

The next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21 in North Platte.

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  • Finally good progress on the East campus. Originally it was said to be designed for votech type classes like carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HAVAC, automotive repair…. jobs that are needed in our area. I think that was the hope of the donor also. Health care is also a need so better that than letting the building set for another dozen years.

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Thu, Jul 18, 2024, at 2:28 PM
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