Letter to the Editor

Yes, Democrats and mainstream media – You own this

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dear Editor,

I have lost count of the occasions whereupon Democrat politicos and members of the press, via broadcast and print media, have directly and indirectly compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini, or otherwise made similar defamatory characterizations of the former president. Even Trump’s VP choice, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, in a 2016 written message to a friend, referred to Trump as “America’s Hitler.” However, that one instance of privately expressed cynicism pales in comparison to the eight years of non-stop public denigration committed by Democrats and the mainstream press.

These calumnies were relentlessly asserted by the self-important know-nothings of major cable news networks – predominantly CNN and MSNBC, whose mindless automatons repeatedly parroted such absurdities, never giving a moment’s thought to the gravity of their words, nor to the inflamed passions such incredibly stupid statements would likely provoke. Left-leaning publications, such as the Washington Post and New York Times, resorted to similarly outrageous slanders, characterizing the 45th President as a fascist in the same mold as the genocidal Austrian maniac responsible for the deaths of 50 million people. The worst example of this unbridled lunacy came via The New Republic – a Marxist rag, whose writers published an edition that featured on its cover a Hitleresque picture of Donald Trump, complete with the dictator’s mustache and hair.

The “Trump is Hitler” idiocy was incessantly spewed from the shameless mouths of Hillary Clinton, Jen Psaki, Biden campaign spokeswoman Ammar Mossa, and more than a few unhinged congressional Democrats. Naturally, the Democrat base of leftist lunatics jumped on the bandwagon, again proving their mindless subservience to a narrative and their propensity for political violence. If the “Hitler” slur were not sufficiently provocative, President Biden on multiple occasions referred to Donald Trump as an “existential threat to America;” and proclaimed that “Trump and MAGA Republicans want to take away our freedoms.” Other Democrat leaders labeled Trump “a threat to our democracy.” Only a week ago, on a call to donors, Biden said they needed to “put a bullseye on Trump.” In a sick irony, on the day of Trump’s attempted assassination, the July 13th front page headline of The Washington Post read “Biden Trains Fire on Trump” – a reference to a “fiery rally” President Biden held in Michigan, where Biden claimed Trump was “unfit” to serve as president. We also have multiple statements, made by high-level Democrats, asserting the need to “take Trump out!” And if the above examples were not damning enough, nine House Democrats demanded Trump’s Secret Service detail be removed. On and on the drumbeat intensified to its predictable outcome on the evening of July 13. When your only argument consists of “anyone I dislike is Hitler,” do not be surprised that somebody might just act on that provocation – but, here we are, with Democrats “in shock” that a nutcase believed their assertions.

Now that Donald Trump – 45th President of the United States, and Republican nominee for the 47th – has literally come within millimeters of having his brains blown out, on live television, in close-up technicolor before the entire country … Now that a retired fire chief, husband and father, did in fact have his brains blown out while shielding his wife and daughter from the assassin’s gunfire … Now that two other men have been critically wounded by the hand of that same inspired lunatic … These duplicitous political demagogues – who constantly remind Americans of Trump’s January 6th “insurrection” while they themselves unceasingly work to incite genuine political violence, along with their media puppets who excuse leftist rioting and arson as being “mostly peaceful” – think they can flush down the memory hole all the mindless hatred they relentlessly hurled against the former president. They believe they can escape the accountability they individually and collectively deserve.

Because of their incitement, bullets have flown, and innocent blood was shed; but these shameless stupes have the unmitigated gall to tell Republicans that WE must “turn down the temperature” and “tone down the rhetoric.”

In what fantasy universe do these sociopaths imagine the American People will forget or forgive the repeated vile statements they ceaselessly screamed over the airwaves and set in print? The bloodshed witnessed by the world on 13 July 2024 stains the hands of these slanderous partisans, each of whom knew exactly what they were provoking – and thus they all need to be repeatedly reminded: YOU. OWN. THIS!

Bruce Desautels,

Stratton, Neb.

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  • This seething, overwritten missive sure should help take the temperature down! Great work!

    -- Posted by fmh on Tue, Jul 16, 2024, at 4:54 PM
  • Trump admires Hitler according to his ex-wife. The real blame belongs to those who support private ownership of the killing machines known as assault style weapons. There is no legitimate need for those in private hands. And you forget trump constantly trashes those who disagree with him. History will remember trump as the great divider.

    -- Posted by ontheleftcoast on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 4:26 PM
  • Trump admires Hitler according to his ex-wife. The real blame belongs to those who support private ownership of the killing machines known as assault style weapons. There is no legitimate need for those in private hands. And you forget trump constantly trashes those who disagree with him. History will remember trump as the great divider.

    -- Posted by ontheleftcoast on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 4:26 PM
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