ABC Pregnancy Help Center continues to help after pregnancy

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Through generous donations from the community, the baby boutique is stocked at the ABC Pregnancy Help Center.
Anna LaBay/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — It’s a Tuesday afternoon at the ABC Pregnancy Help Center, where every call is met with warmth and compassion. Sherrie Dack, a dedicated volunteer, answers the phone with a reassuring tone, “ABC Pregnancy Help Center, this is Sherrie.” She stands by, ready to offer guidance and assistance to anyone in need.

ABC Pregnancy Help Center supports women and girls facing the complexities of planned or unplanned pregnancies. This 501(c)3 organization, powered by volunteers trained through Heartbeat Academy’s Love Approach, operates on care, confidentiality, and compassion.

ABC Pregnancy Help Center collaborates with other organizations to provide care. They walk alongside individuals during pregnancy and the journey of parenthood, ensuring that every family receives the support they need. The help center started as a crisis phone line service in 1984. Over the years, it has expanded its mission to offer pregnancy tests and a support system for young women who have chosen life for their babies. 

One of the defining features of ABC Pregnancy Help Center is its Community Hospital and Tri-Valley newborn layettes program, which provides essentials for newborns and lets parents know that there is help availble if they need it.

Their baby boutique, a testament to the community’s generosity, offers a wide array of clothing, diapers, wipes, toiletries, and other necessities for babies up to 2T in size. Through generous donations from the community, the baby boutique is stocked with love and care, welcoming families with open arms. This strong community support makes the ABC Pregnancy Help Center a place of belonging and shared responsibility.

Just before the day draws close, a newborn’s mother arrives with her 2-year-old son, seeking assistance. Dack, ever-ready to help, ensures that the mother leaves with an ample supply of diapers. This small gesture makes a significant impact. The center focuses on material aid and providing a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a source of unwavering support.

For more information you can follow their page on Facebook.

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  • Wonderful service for our area. Sherrie is dedicated

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Thu, Jul 4, 2024, at 8:54 AM
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