
Mona Anderson

Blessings to You

Spiritual observations


Christian Reincarnation?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Christian Reincarnation?

My first question was, "Is that even a thing?"

This is what some believe and why. (I am just the reporter. Don't attack me; only read if you are curious). There are many variations of this like Christian Denominations have many variations, but I have tried to simplify it for the basics and include some of the questions I had and the answers that were given to me.

Beliefs: God, the Creator appears as itself as Supreme Intelligence, as Holy Spirit as wisdom, comforter, all those good things, etc., Jesus in physical form and as the Angel of the Lord.

God incarnated as the Lord itself and as an Angel, in the Old Testament.

God incarnated as a human in the physical form of Jesus in the New Testament.

God incarnates in the spirit of humans. Spirit filled at times to do good as the hands and feet of God.

The Jewish faith originally believed Saints are said to reincarnate. Exemplified when Jesus said, "Who do you think I am?" John the Baptist, Elijah, etc.

(Note: Stories of demons or demonic possession means to take over an existing human or animal to do evil. It is not incarnation, it is not spirit-filled. It is an invasion, a takeover, the human or animal held hostage overpowered). A whole different topic.

So is "Universal Reincarnation" a thing?

God desires everyone to be made in his likeness. Perhaps that is not an instant at birth perfection or a one time born again religious experience? For no one is perfect except God.

As mainstream Christians we tend to think everyone going to Heaven will be "zapped" into Christlike perfection when we die or when we are religiously "born again". Others think why did God not just zap us into perfection before we were born?

Christian Reincarnationists believe with each reincarnation, a Spirit Soul learns new things, overcomes things we did not overcome in past lives, and prepares for graduation into the next life. We will never be 100% in the likeness of God for his intelligence is beyond human understanding. Thus, reincarnated lives may be billions of infinite lifetimes, from first birth. You will always exist. God loves the whole world. He said all his creations are very good.

How then does the population increase in numbers?

"Biology" - original DNA has been corrupted by disease, wars, accidents, more people having sex at younger ages, more babies, more people. Some are being born for the first time, some for the 100th, some for the 3,000th time etc.

As stars break apart and make new stars a natural universal law. By the Creator human biology creates new humans and animal biology creates new animals. Another universal law.

The spirit soul returns to God. When our body dies, reincarnation, a possible universal law, also; puts each spirit soul in a new body and sends it back to Earth to learn more and grow more into the likeness and understanding of God.

If more babies are born than spiritual souls ready to reincarnate, the Creator's intelligence which created the first Spirit Souls can certainly create more as needed.

When you meet someone who seems wise as an old soul; yet they are young; or you hear of a child prodigy, or someone who can sit at a piano and play Mozart without ever having had a lesson... Believers in Christian Reincarnation and other forms of reincarnation, believe those people have been here before and progressed and retain those abilities.

There are scriptures and old Jewish beliefs of reincarnation back in the day that are used; as there are scriptures today for what is the core beliefs for mainstream Christianity.

Just thought this might make for an interesting read. Definitely different.

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