Pro-life speaker urges ballot support

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Marion Minor

McCOOK Neb. - Marion Minor, Associate Director of Pro-Life and Family Policy for the Neb. Catholic Conference explained why Catholics and Christians may support an initiative that allows for abortion. 

Currently, three groups are promoting potential constitutional amendments related to abortion for the November ballot, each presenting contrasting viewpoints. The first proposal, advocated by Protect Our Rights Nebraska, seeks to safeguard the right to abortion in the state constitution until fetal viability. The second proposal, from Protect Women and Children, aims to restrict most abortions after the first trimester but allows the Legislature to impose additional limitations in the future. The third proposal, introduced by Now Choose Life, proposes granting “personhood” status to embryos and fetuses in the womb, treating them legally as children who have been born.

If multiple amendments pass, the State Canvassing Board will convene to certify the election results, after which Governor Jim Pillen will determine the extent to which the constitutional amendments conflict. Under state law, the amendment with the highest number of votes will be incorporated into the constitution. Nebraska Revised Statute 32-1416 clarifies the governor’s duty to convey the passed constitutional amendments. Voters are advised to vote for the measures they support and against those they do not want to pass. Given the possibility of voters supporting more than one amendment, particularly in the case of abortion-related proposals, careful consideration and understanding of the initiatives are crucial to avoid confusion and ensure informed voting. Backers of the petition drive must submit signatures to the Secretary of State’s Office by July 3.

Pro-Life supporters gathered at the Fox Theater in McCook to hear from presenter Marion Miner, Associate Director of Pro-Life & Family Policy, Nebraska Catholic Conference,  on Thursday, May 30, 2024.  The community presentation was aimed at defeating the “Nebraska Right to Abortion’ ballot initiative. The presentation centered around the debate over abortion in Nebraska, with Miner emphasizing the importance of protecting the right to life and the potential consequences of passing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a broad right to abortion. 

Miner shared his in-depth analyses of language used in the ‘Nebraska Right to Abortion’ ballot initiative. By using all “persons” instead of “women,” any girl under the age of 18 could have an abortion without her parent’s consent or knowledge. Other issues regarding the language used include leaving  “Health” undefined, which gives abortionists discretion to decide viability and creates a right to late-term abortion, and leaving the discretion of viability to the doctor performing the abortion, saying that it can lead to late-term abortions because according to Miner, extraordinary life-saving measures can include things like oxygen. 

Miner explained that supporting the ‘Protect Women and Children’ initiative can be morally justified through the lens of John Paul II’s encyclical on the Gospel of Life. Miner asked, “Can you support this initiative? Can Catholics morally support this initiative, sign it, and volunteer to vote for it as a defense against the pro-abortion initiative?” He said that it is important first to understand and accept this initiative does not create a right to abortion. Adding, “Second, all abortion must be opposed. And direct abortion is never morally acceptable. That’s unchanged and unchangeable.”  Third, he shared that John Paul II had spoken in writing about this, paraphrasing, ‘Support for and vote for incremental, even imperfect, pro-life law, especially as a defense when trying to limit the evil of an already existing permissive abortion law or in the face of another pro-abortion law that is about to be voted on. It is permissible and morally acceptable to support even an imperfect step-by-step incremental pro-life.’

Miner emphasized the importance of community prayer and involvement in protecting the unborn. For more information and resources, visit

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