Bison power lifters finish big season at Peru State

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
A final look at the McCook High Bison powerlifting team that completed their season at Peru State recently.
Courtesy Photo

PERU, Neb. — The McCook Bison Powerlifters competed at the Peru State Powerlifting Meet earlier in February.

The Bison had 14 individuals that competed.

Coach Joe Vetrovsky provided these details and comments:

“All competitors did very well. Five individuals ended up earning medals in their respective weight classes.”


Dalaney Brunswick - 4th Place

Kit Eschliman - 4th Place


Keagan Reece - 2nd Place

Eidos Klein - 3rd Place

Jack Deveny - 5th Place

“This was the final meet of the 2024 powerlifting season for the Bison. It was a great season with a lot of improvements from all of the lifters.”

The Bison will graduate five senior powerlifters.

Connor Ball

Collin Crocker

Keegan Johnson

Adyn Meyer

Keagan Reece.

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