Who wanted B-8 playoff win more? B-I-S-O-N, that's who!

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. — They traded 18-point wins in their road jerseys, but McCook High's boys got that one which really counts when they beat Gering 61-43 in Wednesday night's B-8 subdistrict game at Scottsbluff High School.
Senior Jon Patel scored 18 points with a fierceness he enjoyed as a Maywood-Hayes Center Wolve last year en route to the Class D-1 state semifinals.
Senior Kaiden Porter brought his "A" game also, scoring 11 points, and burning the Bulldogs on either great drives or pinpoint passes around their defense.
Sophomore guard Brody Graham netted nine points, and his second three-pointer really ignited a 35-20 McCook second half. The Bison were only leading 26-25 until Graham sank his wing triple.
Junior Andrew Pochop added six points inside while guard Bryson Gullion scored six on two more long-range hits. Gullion has regained his freshman flash from three-point distance where he scored 29 points in one game against Holdrege last season.
Miles Pollmann, another sophomore, added two clutch points and junior Josiah Wilkinson made a free throw. The Bison (9-13 record) celebrated their first win since Josiah's last-second drive beat North Platte on Jan. 19.
McCook also held Gering sharpshooter Uriah Ybarra to 11 points after he lit up the McCook High gym for 32 during a 67-49 Bulldog win just 12 days ago.
Now the Bison can avenge another recent defeat when they take on B-8 host and No. 1-seed Scottsbluff Thursday night with first tip set for 6 p.m. in Scottsbluff, 7 p.m. CST.
Watch for more in Thursday's McCook Gazette.
Gering's second ends at 8-15. The Bulldogs dropped four straight following their win at McCook.