No small jobs for Bison Days

Thursday, February 15, 2024
McCook High School Principal Craig Dickes working behind the scenes of McCook Bison Days
Anna LaBay/McCook Gazette

McCOOK Neb. - Amid Bison Days, McCook High School Principal Craig Dickes is busy moving tables through the halls. He has spent much of the two days running around the city, checking in on students and staff and making sure that Bison Days is successful. While he does what needs to be done, he is quick to share his appreciation for all the people it takes to make the event happen.

He commended the committee members including Tracey Fisher, Kristin Blume, Brent May, Robin Henrichs, Pam Wolford, and Sharon Bohling.

“They’re the ones that set it all up and get it going. It’s a huge undertaking, and they make it happen.” Dickes said of the committee.

He shared his appreciation for the staff members who accompany students at each event, the busing and transporting of all the students around town, and the businesses and community members who volunteer their time and talents.

Since 2018 Bison Days has given students at McCook High School an opportunity to venture out into the community for two days and experience much of what the community has to offer.

“To me, it’s connections with the community. We get to show off that our kids are outstanding young people. They get to meet people in the community and potentially form relationships and connections that can lead to careers and other opportunities down the road. That’s the biggest reason why we do it.” Dickes said.

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