School board to consider impact of AI on education

Friday, January 12, 2024

McCOOK Neb. - The McCook Public Schools administrative team is eager to delve into Artificial Intelligence (AI) aiming to better understand the potential negative and positive impacts on education.

The first meeting of the Red Willow County Board of Education was postponed due to weather and was rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 15, 2024, in the Junior High Conference Room. Superintendent Grant Norgaurd will discuss AI. Although AI hasn’t been around for a very long time, it is rapidly influencing the world including the field of education. Understanding AI will guide the creation of rules and regulations governing its use in schools.

The district plans to hold meetings in the upcoming weeks regarding the purchase of materials ensuring that the content is closely aligned to the locally developed curriculum and be student friendly.

The board and public will be updated regarding the junior and senior high school building projects as well as what to expect with the newly started legislative session.

They plan to enter into an executive session to discuss negotiations with the McCook Education Association. The reason for this executive session is to protect the public’s interest during the negotiation process.

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