Chamber welcomes Levander's Body Shop

Friday, November 17, 2023
The staff of Levander’s in McCook include, front row from left: Anjel Turner, Neal Olsen, Courtney Berg, CeCe Morlan, Samantha Turpin, and Madison Levander. Back row Tom Eisenach, Ray Zodrow, Beau Bieker, Leelan Bieker, Scott Hill, Walter Pedersen, and Brian Levander.
Shary Skiles/McCook Gazette

McCOOK Neb. —  A ribbon-cutting ceremony took place Thursday at Levander’s Body Shop at 1604 West Q Street in McCook.  

Levander’s opened in 1997 in Grand Island, Neb. and has expanded services across the state. Partners Brian Levander and Scott Hill began speaking to Lester and Leelan Bieker, previous owners of the body shop, two years ago, but Covid slowed down the purchase.  

Levander and Hill opened the McCook Location on May 1, keeping Leelan Bieker on as an ASC-certified mechanic.  They also hired Walter Pedersen to manage the location. Hill lives in North Platte where the partners own two other locations. “What a great community it is” he said of McCook, “I drive back and forth from North Platte every day.  I’ve thoroughly enjoyed coming down here and working with the public and working with everybody in the community.” 

“The rural markets are where we came from and what we are about.” Said Levander, “Anytime you can bring services like these into a community, tax dollars start flowing, it’s a win win-win. We’re so happy to be here.” 

Casey Flint president and CEO of the McCook Chamber said “Y’all do amazing work and we definitely need you, especially during deer season.” 

McCook Mayor, Linda Taylor was present along with many other community members and the McCook Cordials.  

Levander’s Body Shop specializes in collision repair and mechanical maintenance. They are open Monday through Friday 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.  

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