McCook spikers return home for marvelous Monday victory

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
McCook senior Grace Wilhelmsson serving on Monday evening.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — Practice? Who needs practice?

We’re talking about practice which was something that coach Trevor Hoins was happy to not do on Monday.

“I think the best thing for us was to get playing again,” Hoins confirmed following McCook’s morale-boosting 25-22, 17-25, 21-25, 25-21, 15-13 victory over the visiting Hershey Panthers.

It was like a good back rub after driving all the way home from Nebraska’s Panhandle.

The Bison came out swinging and pounded away some of those bad memories after an 0-6 weekend at that Scottsbluff Invitational.

Senior Kori Rippen delivered her usual huge crushing kills, but other Bison like junior Ashlyn Randel and freshman Cali Crawford delivered some huge points.

Setter Karstyn Porter kept the attack moving even though McCook high some tough moments against a determined 8-10 Hershey team.

“Some could have packed it in after about that third set,” Hoins remarked about falling behnd 2-1. “But our girls kept fighting.”

Hoins praised all his players including freshman sparkplug Morgan Griffen.

Senior Rowen Wiemers added some timely kills, blocks and service points like most Bison matches.

Also, junior libero Bailee Fawver and fellow Bailee Foster made some great saves which turned into Bison wins or Hershey miscues.

Senior Grace Wilhelmson was serving near the finish when McCook broke from a 10-10 deadlock in that final set.

The Bison move on to another even bigger challenge at 21-1 Gothenburg Thursday night.

“We’ll just go out and get after it, see what happens,” the coach concluded.

Watch for results and other details in Friday’s McCook Gazette.

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