
Make your voice heard: Embrace National Voter Registration Day

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Every year, on National Voter Registration Day, citizens across the United States are reminded of the profound impact they can have on their democracy. In Nebraska, Secretary of State Bob Evnen encourages every eligible resident to seize this opportunity and register to vote. His message is clear: Every vote matters, and every registered voter in Nebraska matters.

Secretary Evnen’s call to action emphasizes the fundamental importance of civic participation. Voting is not just a right; it is a responsibility that empowers us as individuals to shape the future of our communities, our state, and our nation. By casting our ballots, we play an active role in the decision-making processes that affect our lives and those of future generations.

One might ask, “Why should I bother registering to vote?” The answer is simple: Our democracy thrives when we participate. When we vote, we ensure that our elected officials represent our diverse interests and concerns. Whether you lean left, right, or center, your voice deserves to be heard, and registering to vote is the first step toward making that happen.

Secretary Evnen has made it easier than ever for Nebraskans to register or check their voter registration status. Online tools like ne.gov/go/votercheck and nebraska.gov/apps-sos-voter-registration make the process convenient and accessible. Additionally, in-person registration is available at county election offices, ensuring that everyone can exercise their right to vote, regardless of their technological proficiency.

The eligibility criteria for voting in Nebraska are straightforward: citizenship, residency, and age. These requirements ensure that those who participate in our elections are invested in the well-being of our state. Furthermore, Nebraska offers a second chance to those who have made mistakes by allowing individuals convicted of felonies to vote after a two-year waiting period following the completion of their sentences.

As of September 2023, Nebraska boasts over a million registered voters, representing a diverse range of political affiliations, including the Nebraska Republican Party, the Nebraska Democratic Party, the Nebraska Libertarian Party, and the Legal Marijuana NOW Party. For those who prefer not to align with any party, the “nonpartisan” option allows them to stand apart from party politics while still exercising their crucial right to vote.

National Voter Registration Day serves as a vital reminder for registered voters to review their information. Life is dynamic, and changes in address, name, party affiliation, and voting rights restoration can occur between elections. Updating your registration ensures that your voice remains a powerful force in shaping our democracy.

In a time when our nation faces complex challenges and significant decisions, every vote carries tremendous weight. By registering to vote and participating in the democratic process, we contribute to the strength and vibrancy of our state. Secretary of State Bob Evnen’s message rings true: It’s essential to make your voice heard, and you can do that by casting your ballot.

So, in honor of National Voter Registration Day, let us come together as Nebraskans to celebrate our democracy. Let us reaffirm our commitment to active citizenship and civic engagement. Register to vote, verify your information, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Together, we can ensure that Nebraska continues to thrive as a true reflection of the will of its people.

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