No drones near school, please!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

McCOOK, Neb. — Central Elementary officials are asking whoever is flying their drone over the school to stop.

“There are enough distractions in our world today for our kids,” the school posted on Facebook today. “Please help keep our kids safe!”

Principal Joel Bednar said he was most concerned about students distracted by the drone while crossing the street.

“While there may not be ill intent, it does become a safety issue for our young students here at Central and all our buildings,” according to the post.

“We want to avoid any scenario that distracts our students while crossing the streets, walking to/from the bus, and any disruption of our learning environment.”

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  • You can call the FAA and report it when you see it, that is a no fly zone due to being too close to the airport.

    -- Posted by kevin manley on Tue, Sep 12, 2023, at 2:41 PM
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