
Mona Anderson

Blessings to You

Spiritual observations


The Jesus Revolution Movie

Friday, July 28, 2023

After watching the Jesus Revolution DVD movie and following that: the Lonnie Frisbee YouTube Documentary, to get the full picture, I am now left with much to think about.

Having also worked as a volunteer for Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusades about 10 years ago, as an online missionary, following up with new converts, it brought back precious memories.

I wish back in the 1970s - 1990s I had known of Lonnie and Connie Frisbee, and the Chuck Smith Calvary Chapel transitions. A journey in itself. Having gone from a close-minded, non-compromising, declining membership, filled with judgmental condemnation of anyone unlike them.. to opening the doors to the ones Jesus wanted to reach. The very ones the church looks down on have always been the ones Jesus wanted to save.

There are all kinds of Christians, narrow-minded, conditional love and acceptance, to those rejected by churches whom Jesus was willing to wash their feet repeatedly. Some churches say “Come as you are” (but the inference is, “we” will change you to be like us.

Jesus died for the sins of the world. Consider David and Solomon and multiple wives, it was sinful to want to be like worldly kings (culture). God looked the other way. It was not what God wanted, but “he wanted more” to love, be with, guide, and be a father and keep contact with his sons and daughters.

There is not a single person sitting on a church pew, anywhere that does not sin. Life as a human in this world is hard; Jesus gets that. Church doctrine has kept us captive to self-condemnation never letting us forget we are sinners. Human nature points the finger at others to get the focus off our own sins and feel better labeling the other person as worse.

It says we are not to cause a brother or sister to sin. Our judgments against them, to feel superior ourselves, reeks heavy on their progress. We cause them to sin and backslide; because of our sins against them (the gossip and condemnation). Where is the love? Many Christians have a counterfeit love. Lonnie Frisbee said, “They love the goodies God brings through me; but they hate me.” Do you have to keep up appearances and increasing the goodies, so the others will conditionally let you hang around?

Chuck, Greg, and Lonnie each had a different audience and a different pastor was needed for each audience; yet they were in ministry at times together, as well. Iron sharpens iron and some dull spots never smooth out. These dull spots are anti-or-pro culture, wounds from childhood never healing or ministered to, others continually wounding others; because they judge and condemn what they cannot understand. Only by the Grace of God, it did not happen unto them; because, then they would understand. Does that give the elite, the privileged, a right to condemn? No. Jesus said, in essence: Just love them all. I will sort them out later. God said, There is only one unforgivable Sin. To continue to reject God unto death.

Humans say, certain sins are worse than others, so let me label yours worse than mine! God said, Sin is Sin. To break 1 law is the same as breaking all. a.k.a. To sin one sin is the same as all the sins.

Jesus said, I forgive you. I paid for your sins, if you believe in me go and sin no more. My father will send his Holy Spirit to help you. You are not abandoned and will never be alone. If your feet carry you to pick up the dirt of the world, come to me and I will wash your feet again! Just your feet, for your heart has already been cleansed.

Even the saved will fall back into sin and repent again and again... aka the church gossip, the unloved spouse, those previously addicted to activities or substances that temporarily kill the painful thoughts of how they are wrongfully treated even by other Christian brothers and sisters, etc.

In this world, there will be repeated suffering, rejection, and woundedness and in our pain and suffering we “return for comfort to our personal “vomit” we had given up.

Afterward, may we always return to Jesus, (repent) to let him wash our feet again and again ... until it becomes habit to always run to him first and not back to the vomit. (Old ways of coping).

In Authentic Jesus Revolution, iron sharpens iron. Get out of Jesus’s way with your judgments and condemnation of others. Learn to let Jesus wash “their feet and yours” as we all repent, for none are perfect, yet. Never mock the one who is always in the “feet washing line.” We all should want our feet to match our heart... keep returning unto Jesus in the feet washing line.

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