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Beautify McCook bringing beauty one project at a time
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Bruce McDowell waters downtown planters as a Beautify McCook volunteer.
Courtesy photo
Next Thursday, July 13, the first of two Hot Summer Nights concerts takes place, with the first in Norris Alley. The second concert is on Aug. 3 in Norris Park.
Sponsored by MNB Bank, the event next Thursday will also feature a free-will dinner served by Beautify McCook with proceeds to benefit their projects.
What is Beautify McCook? It is a group of community members who looked around and saw things they wanted to make better, things they wanted to make a little bit more beautiful, saw things they could make happen by working together.
None of their projects are earth-shattering. Rather, they are projects that will hopefully make our community a little bit better visually, aesthetically and even physically for everyone.
What have they done so far?
Beautify McCook was originally called Light Up McCook. Last fall, a group of volunteers came together because they wanted to bring holiday lights back to McCook’s downtown skyline led by Taryn Arterburn as well as additional holiday lights in Norris Park led by Sarah Schneider.
The downtown buildings had featured lights in the past and remnants were in even place along the tops of some buildings.
But the lights had fallen into disrepair: bulbs were broken or missing, the strings didn’t connect to one another, and many didn’t reach the necessary electrical outlets. And that was if there were even lights in place. Many were simply missing from being out in the weather over the years or the building owner hadn’t taken part in the project in the past.
But the volunteers approached every building owner, asking them to be part of the project. Every single one enthusiastically agreed, which had not happened in the past. Perhaps the change of heart happened because there was no cost to them thanks to generous donors, including individual donors, ACE Hardware donating part of the cost of the new lights and the city of McCook offering to tie the lights into the light poles for electrical needs since the new lights drew so little electricity.
Perhaps it was because the volunteers were the ones who would be climbing on the roofs of the buildings, hanging on the edge, and installing the lights. The job was not for the faint of heart even though most of the buildings are only one and two stories tall.
Or perhaps all of the building owners agreed because they understood the transformation of our community begins with one small project.
One could say “It’s just lights.” But the lights downtown and in Norris Park stand for so much more.
They represent a group of volunteers coming together and giving of their time to make something happen. The lights represent an investment in our community to simply make it a little bit more beautiful for residents and visitors alike. The lights represent getting something done that many people talk about but don’t take action on, but this group did.
And the group isn’t done; hence the name change from Light Up McCook to Beautify McCook.
The group is behind the new planters on the corners on Norris Avenue in downtown McCook. Bruce McDowell and Gary Wiemers have done a wonderful job of checking the moisture level of the planters daily and watering accordingly. As the seasons change, so will the greenery in the planters.
Other possible projects include new bike racks in the community, an outdoor sound system throughout downtown, and additional electricity to meet the needs along Norris Avenue and in Norris Park. The ideas keep coming. The only limitations are time - volunteers can only get so much done, and by money - all of these projects do need funding.
But fortunately, Beautify McCook is supported by Celebrate McCook, an account that was established years ago at the McCook Community Foundation Fund to “celebrate McCook.”
And that is what this group is doing…..celebrating McCook by making things happen.
To learn more about Beautify McCook, follow them on Facebook or visit the MCFF website at mccookfoundation.org.
Or stop by Hot Summer Nights on July 13 to learn how Beautify McCook is making McCook beautiful one planter, one light, one project at a time. Because while the projects may seem small, they will add up to make McCook an even better place to call home.