Still good people in the world
Thursday, June 22, 2023
INDIANOLA, Neb. — A shout-out to the honest folks at the ballpark who returned my purse. Evidence there are still good people in the world.
Listening to the news has once again set my teeth on edge. I realize that folks who only watch the liberal media don't believe the left is really planning to do all the disturbing things to cripple our standard of living that they have planned, so I thought I'd give you a hint of some idiotic schemes in their works.
First, they want to take away gas stoves in our homes, including heating used for farm outbuildings. They've already made manufacturers reduce water pressure in both shower heads and toilets. I don't know about you, but I like to get in and out of the shower, so I prefer to get the soap off quickly. I don't like to have to flush the toilet 6 times to get all the waste down either.
Furthermore, they want to do away with certain air conditioning units and/or make older models impossible to repair, as well as refrigerators. I know these may sound trivial but not all folks can afford to buy new appliances.
Second, they are going to mandate black- and brown-outs to the electrical grids in certain parts of the country the government will deem appropriate. Our fine government spending more tax dollars. Farmers won't be able to keep pivots, water wells, grain bins or animal facilities functioning if they decide we are using too much electricity.
Not unlike the current system the public power districts use for watering lawns and pivots. This in turn will affect the cost of production which will also deter supplies of grains, vegetables, meat, and water.
Texas and California already showed us last year that their electrical infrastructure couldn’t keep up necessary heating and cooling, so approximately 800 people died in those states that didn't have to. Even though the public isn't supposed to know, wind turbines and solar panels cannot store energy. So if the weather isn't cooperating, those ugly monsters are worthless.
We have some water tanks that use big solar panels (which were very expensive to put in) to energize them for our cows, but if the day is barely overcast they simply don't work. Many times while spraying, I wasn't able to get water through the hydrant because the sun wasn't bright enough. I don't think activists have ever thought these ideas through. They only want to push their green deals. Maybe in thirty years, we will have enough technology to try to wean our country from fossil fuels, but I think it's terrible for the social elites to be allowed to fly jets, have chauffeurs, bodyguards, and air-conditioned mansions while the working middle class will not be allowed even creature comforts.
Antifa activists have been protesting at several school events lately. These terrorists travel to different states to instigate local students to mayhem and effectively shut down any type of dialogue amongst invited speakers, and then they push their radical agendas. I would bet that unless folks watch FOX news, they never see or hear the "REAL" news in the nation.
Have a good one