Game and Parks continues lake management

Friday, June 16, 2023

LINCOLN, Neb. — On the day a controversial contract between concessionaires on Hugh Butler Lake and Swanson Reservoir and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has clarified its role at the lakes.

While Game and Park turned over management of those areas to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation years ago, Game and Parks continues to manage the rest of the lakes.

The following news release was issued Friday:

Game and Parks continues management role at Swanson, Red Willow SRAs

Nebraska Game and Parks continues to manage the diverse recreational opportunities available at Red Willow and Swanson Reservoir state recreation areas in the southwest part of the state.

The recreation facilities are managed for public use and benefit as part of a 25-year management agreement with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which owns the land. This agreement was renewed in 2022.

During negotiations of the new agreement, Game and Parks relinquished management responsibility for the small portion of each park that includes the privately-owned concession operations at the two reservoirs. This was a result of the Bureau’s expectations for ongoing concession operations.

Concession management and administration is now conducted directly by the Bureau of Reclamation. Negotiations between the Bureau and concessionaries do not involve Nebraska Game and Parks.

Management for the remainder of the recreation and wildlife management areas remain the same with Nebraska Game and Parks operating them for Nebraskans and visitors alike. These areas include the public campgrounds and related facilities, boating access, fishery and adjacent wildlife management areas, which provide opportunities for fishing, hunting, boating, hiking, camping, wildlife viewing and other outdoor recreation.

Recent improvements at the two recreation areas include fish cleaning stations thanks to the reinvestment of user fees and other funding sources, such as the Capital Maintenance Fund and the BOR’s Title 28 program.

Swanson Reservoir SRA, near Trenton, is the largest of four recreation areas in the southwestern part of the state and offers fishing, boating, camping and day-use activities, among others. Red Willow Reservoir SRA, near McCook, offers camping, swimming, an archery range, trails and other day-use opportunities.

Game and Parks recognizes these areas are important to outdoor recreationists and will continue to provide public access and opportunity.

To learn more about the parks, visit

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  • This article has left me totally in the dark, it doesn't address the original article involving the people who rent the trailer spots or other concessions.

    -- Posted by salamat on Mon, Jun 19, 2023, at 11:34 AM
  • I think the Bureau of Reclamation has made it pretty clear the trailers have to be moved.

    -- Posted by John T Herron on Mon, Jun 19, 2023, at 2:43 PM
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