New teachers hired, planning advisor heard

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

McCOOK, Neb. – The McCook School Board of Education approved two contracts for high school teachers, approved the purchase of science materials, and heard a presentation from a Municipal Advisor about the services they could offer in the process of financing a major capital project.

New teachers, materials

The board approved contracts for Evans Kojo Appiah to teach high school math at a salary of $49,911 and Patricia Cale to teach high school science at a salary of $48,142.50.

Appiah is a native of Ghana with ten years of teaching experience. Cale is a native of Philippines with five years of teaching experience. Both will need to obtain a visa and will need to get their Nebraska certification before they can teach independently. Both were described as enthusiastic about teaching in the United States.

Superintendent Grant Norgaard said the district is currently negotiating with a Special Education teacher to be placed in the high school. The position was eliminated several years ago, but administrative and instructional staff feel there is a high need for the position at this time. He anticipates having a contract to approve at the next board meeting.

The board also approved the purchase of science material at a cost not to exceed $90,000.

Financing a school building

Tobin Buchanan of First National Capital Markets presented information to the board regarding the use of a municipal advisor (MA) in a facility improvement process or bond issue. A MA has a fiduciary duty to the district; contrasted to an underwriter who would sell debt instruments to investors. Underwriters cannot provide advice to the district on budget, debt capacity, and other financial information. Prior to a bond issue election, the MA will provide guidance to administration, assist with public input and communication, provide bond market on potential project options, and help with election compliance procedures and deadlines. Following the successful passage of a bond issue, the MA would help write the Request for Proposal for underwriting services.

McCook voters last approved a school bond in 2005 for expansion of McCook Elementary. That bond will be paid off in December of 2025. The district is currently exploring options for the replacement of the McCook Junior High building, which was built in the 1960s. Board members were asked to review the material presented by Buchanan and an action item will probably be on the June agenda.

School Improvements

The classroom remodels have been completed, and the next step will be to renovate the superintendent’s office space. That work will begin this summer, with anticipated completion in mid-July. Business Manager Jeff Gross told the board that work has begun on the tennis court/track concession stand and bathrooms. Dirt work will begin Monday, and concrete is expected to start on May 24. The goal is to begin the erection of the building on June 10. The $450,000 project will provide handicap accessible bathrooms and improve access for spectators of both track and tennis. Norgaard told the board that another home track meet is being added to the Bison Track and Field schedule in future years.

Other summer projects include a new roof at Central Elementary, a new roof for the Senior High gym, Weiland Field concrete work, and some carpet replacement and painting.

YMCA partnership

In the Finance Committee report, Board Member Tom Bredvick discussed a meeting with YMCA representatives regarding the use of facilities. He said the school district has had a 44-year relationship with the YMCA that has been very beneficial for the school. Board President Brad Hays, reporting on behalf of the Facilities Committee, echoed Bredvick’s comments, stating that the school has accessed the YMCA’s gyms, as well as the swimming pool for athletic programs.

The YMCA will soon be embarking on a fundraising campaign to upgrade and expand facilities, and Superintendent Norgaard said they have a great vision for the YMCA and the community.

Other items:

The Committee on American Civics chaired by Mike Langan, met prior to the board meeting and reviewed binders produced by school staff that meet criterion reference test (CRT) requirements. The committee held a public hearing on American Civics with no public comments given.

Superintendent Norgaard informed the board that McCook Public Schools will be hosting a professional development training session on August 10 for all McCook schools and other area school districts. Ken Williams, author of the book “Ruthless Equity” will be the featured speaker. Williams’ message is that high expectations need to be placed on all students to reach high levels of academic achievement. “He’s going to be convicting for some of our teachers, and some of our administrators, because he’s basically going to put it to us that you need to make sure all of your kids succeed and that they are mastering the content,” Norgaard said.

Positive Comments

In positive comments, Teresa Thomas mentioned the many end-of-school activities, including graduations, field trips, tours, and music programs. Charlie McPherson extended his appreciation of the job that teachers do. Mike Langan pointed out the improvements being made to the tennis and track facilities. He was also appreciative of how students were accepting and supportive of each other. Scott Barger appreciated the fact that 8th grade language arts teacher, Shelly Branch, engages students and that she’s not afraid to be creative. He also gave kudos to Joel Bednar in his negotiations for science material for the district. Tom Bredvick commented on how students have chosen a variety of fields to pursue after their high school careers. Jeff Gross was appreciative for Trish Willis who has taken over the duties of Registrar for the school system. Brad Hayes mentioned the McCook Optimists Club who do a variety of activities for youth in the community. Grant Norgaard shared his praise of how the district music contest held in McCook was organized.

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