Are youth easily influenced to use marijuana during 4/20 Day?

Marijuana is illegal in Nebraska, with strict laws and penalties. While 4/20 celebrations are not as widespread as in other states, they are still heavily promoted and marketed by the cannabis industry.
Social media makes it easy to influence youth. Recreation cannabis is a big and growing business nationwide. Cannabis companies admit they leverage 4/20 day as an opportunity to promote the industry and its products, and they have that right as any American business.
It’s similar to how alcohol companies use The Super Bowl or St. Patrick’s Day to promote new products. The influence on youth is there, like with the alcohol industry. Celebrities, influencers, and businesses attend significant events like The Cannabis Cup to push their products and brands, often using social media.
Parents should be aware of the growing influence and speak to their kids about marijuana and its associated risks.
“Prevention and education efforts go a long way in preventing drug use altogether and are most effective before teens are exposed to drugs or alcohol, yet it is never too late either way,” said Marcel Gemme of
In Nebraska, 14% of residents ages 12 and older had used marijuana in the past year. Among youth aged 12 to 17, 8% had used the drug in the past year, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
The small conversations that parents have with their kids about marijuana have a big impact and help them in many ways. Consider some of the following tips:
· Keep conversations short, frequent, and often rather than having one big talk. This makes it easier to build strong communication and trust.
· Show disapproval for marijuana use, underage drinking, and drug use. Make your views and rules clear to help set boundaries and reinforce why they should avoid using drugs or alcohol.
· Be a good source of reliable and factual information.
· Listen to their opinions and answer their questions; the conversation goes both ways. Avoid lecturing, threatening, and using scare tactics.
· Show genuine concern for their health, wellness, and success. Help them build skills to avoid peer pressure and manage it effectively.
· Lead by example; actions speak louder than words.
Teens are more likely to avoid using marijuana when they have a strong, trusting relationship with their parents. Getting into and speaking with teens as often as possible is a good habit.
4/20 Day is a large commercial showing that continues to grow yearly. There are significant adverse effects associated with underage marijuana use that parents should be aware of. Prevention and education efforts are the most effective approach.
— Jody Boulay is a mother of two with a passion for helping others. She currently works as a Community Outreach Coordinator for to help spread awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol.