Reminder: Husker 'insider' to hit McCook Monday evening
McCOOK, Neb. — Just one final reminder that a Husker “insider” plans to give local Nebraska football fans an in-depth look at the NU program and the 2023 Husker recruiting class ans Spring Wrap up during a special presentation Monday night.
Sean Callahan will speak to fans at the The Coppermill Steakhouse. He will present video showing highlights of Nebraska’s latest recruits, and he will speak on an array of topics covering the Husker football program, from Coach Matt Rhule and his staff, to returning players and new recruits, and the new staff additions, THE Big Ten Conference, and he answers questions from the audience.
NU fans might recognize Callahan from his appearances on the “Big Red Wrap-Up” highlight show that airs on NET Television. Callahan appears on the show regularly, discussing all aspects of Husker football recruiting. Callahan has an inside view of the NU program.
He runs and operates the
The latest Nebraska Cornhuskers news, recruiting, transfers, and NIL information at HuskerOnline, part of
-- The largest web site that covers Nebraska football, Callahan said. He covers all aspects of Nebraska football for the web site, including game coverage, spring football and recruiting.
He also appears daily as the Lincoln correspondent on Nebraska football radio programming with Gary Saddlemeyer and Jim Rose.