Council approves higher rates on second reading

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

McCOOK, Neb. — By unanimous vote, the McCook City Council approved on second reading raising the city water and sewer rates by 6%.

The rate increase will have a third and final reading before they go into effect.

There was no discussion before voting, other than Mayor Linda Taylor asking the council if they had heard anything from McCook citizens about the rate increase. All replied they had not, except for Councilman Jerry Calvin, who said he heard a few “comments in passing.”

City staff also has not heard any feedback from the public, said City Manager Nate Schneider.

The increases were recommended by Public Financial Management, a financial firm that analyzes the cash flow of both the city water and sewer departments annually. The increases, as in the past, were recommended to cover inflation, pay for capital projects and maintain a healthy budget.

The water rate increase would have the ready-to-serve fee increase by $1.20, from $19.95 per month to $21.15 per month. The price per 100 cubic feet will increase as well, with the first 5,000 cubic feet increasing from $2.035 to $2.157. Over 5,000 cubic feet will increase from $1.508 per cubic foot to $1.598 per cubic foot.

For sewer, the base fee for residential customers will go from $17.541 to $18.59 per month, a $1.04 increase. The commercial base fee will go from $25.554 per month to $27.08 per month. Both residential and commercial monthly base fees include 333 cubic feet of usage or 2,490 gallons. The fee for usage above that will also increase by 6% (22 cents) from the current $3.787 per 100 cubic feet (748 gallons) to $4.014 per 100 cubic feet.

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