Resolution for 2023: Find one thing to be committed to
Friday, January 6, 2023
Are you one of the many people that ponder and select a “Word of the Year,” which will stand for the mantra that your year will hopefully turn out to be? I have never really been good at New Year’s Resolutions - *dieting (I don’t love food), *working out (what does that even mean?), *reading a book a week (when would I have time to binge my shows?!). In the end, the stress of resolutions has always caused disappointment in my life when I failed after two weeks and was left with no feeling of *purpose* for the remaining 345 days of the calendar year. That’s why I jumped on the “Word of the Year” wagon several years back! I will admit that I have to wrestle with what “word” or vibe I want to manifest for the year to come. But after much thought and prayer, I always feel accomplished and peaceful when I land on one, a simple word to live my life for that year.
A little back story for those of you that may not know me that well (yet!) ;) You see, God gifted me lots of things in life, but patience is not at the top of the list. When patience became my word for 2018, we had just moved to Nebraska. I was faced with parenting our seven-year-old by myself, our older kids were living in Texas, we saw Ben (my husband) only a few hours every night, we lived in a 900 sq. ft. apartment, I didn’t have a permanent job, and the warmest days were 10 degrees. To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. In my past, being overwhelmed brought the best out in me…you know, irrational words being spewed out, slamming doors, and long, cold walks.
But I took on the word “patience” as a reminder of what I could work on for myself. And that is just what happened. Of course, there were days of frustration, followed by guilt because patience had not been the route I had chosen that day. But there were far more days full of smiling kids and happy hearts, because in that moment in time, I couldn’t control a lot, but I could control how I dealt with it. And that is how 2018 went. Patiently.
And so, in this new year of our Lord, 2023, I am taking on a new word, a word that I think might be a challenge to many of us. Google says that “Commitment” means “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.” When I think about the things I am committed to, I have two: my faith and my family. Probably many of you resonate with that. But I am choosing the word commitment to mean one thing: Commitment to Community.
How am I committed to building the community that I live, breathe, and work in? We have so many opportunities here to help grow our community.
Just this year we voted to bring in a new pool and ballparks. That takes commitment. What about the Christmas lights strung through Norris Park or along the rooftops down Norris Avenue? Commitment. Tell me about the BIG GIVE that raised over $200,000 for the organizations around McCook. Commitment.
So, in 2023, I challenge you to find one thing, outside of your life, to be committed to in McCook. And if you can’t find something, call me. The McCook Chamber of Commerce is always looking for commitment. Happy New Year to my new and old friends, and I sincerely look forward to an amazing year in this community of partners!