Commissioners to consider moratorium on renewable energy

Friday, January 6, 2023

McCOOK, Neb. — No sooner will Red Willow County’s new commissioners take office than they will be dealing with a major, controversial issue.

Ted Gans and Charles Fritsche will join incumbent Randy Dean for their first commissioners’ meeting at 9 a.m. Monday on the third floor of the courthouse.

Following a meeting as a board of equalization, election of a commission chairman and vice-chairman and a lengthy list of reappointments to various county positions, commissioners will discuss county zoning for renewable energy in the county, as well as consider a six-month moratorium on such projects, or approval of zoning regulations with an option to renew.

Two solar power projects are proposed in Red Willow County.

One of them, by Premier Energy of Grand Island, plans a community open house Tuesday at the Keystone Business Center, 402 Norris Ave, with presentations at 6:15 p.m. and 8 p.m., both followed by discussion.

Other items on the county agenda include review of an annual audit, a request for funding for a water heating unit in the jail and a contract with Prichard & Abbott for oil appraisals.

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  • Why? we don't put moratoriums on other businesses ideas, why on this. Create a committee of sorts if you don't have time or inclination to do the homework yourself. Solar is renewable and costs similiar to fossil fuels.

    We cant all be experts at everything. But I'd be willing to learn.

    -- Posted by cyberlefty on Fri, Jan 6, 2023, at 2:27 PM
  • The Counties' zoning laws with regards to solar energy are outdated. The County requested the planning commission to review the current regulations and the moratorium allows such time to update. There has never been a project of this magnitude...EVER...ANYWHERE. The County wants to be prepared on behalf of their citizens.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Tue, Jan 10, 2023, at 8:45 AM
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