
Denise McConville

Frolics in Farming

Observations on farm life.


Preg-checking and EPD numbers

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Preg-checking cows became an important managerial process for us several years after Farmer Tom and I were married. His father never wanted to spend any money on the cow herd saying that they had to pay for themselves. We decided that knowing if and when the cows were going to calve was vital in many aspects like not feeding cows that weren't going to calve and not keeping cows that weren't to calve on a timely basis. Sadly it seems that my favorite cows always are the ones that come up "open ". On the same token, I have been guilty of not wanting to "cull" cows that I particularly have grown attached to. When one has several hundred head, it might seem strange to have favorites but I can also tell you the cows I don't like.

Forty-five years ago his dad wasn't too picky when buying cows if the price was right, but naturally one gets what they pay for. We have tried to build our cow herd by buying the best bulls that we could make cash flow and had good EPD numbers. EPD stands for expected progeny difference. Some of the things Farmer Tom studies is expected maternal milk, calving ease, (especially with heifers), good birth weights, higher weaning weights, yearling weights, and rib eye measurements. These of course are all EXPECTED measurements so he also likes to look at the structure/frame of the bull as well as the disposition. Farmer Tom has always had a knack for picking good bulls.

This old gal thinks the disposition of our cattle is very important as I'm getting slower and pretty sure I don't want to have to climb a fence in a hurry! I also think the animals learn to behave how they are treated somewhat. We try to take them nice and easy, and when it's just the two of us it usually works much easier. Naturally, livestock can become "worked up" especially if folks ram, poke, prod and chase them without thought to the animals' disposition. Maybe old age does have a few things going for it! Ha!

Have a Good One!

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