When the Washington Post came calling to Indianola
Thursday, October 13, 2022
INDIANOLA, Neb. — We got a call one evening from our friend Art who has ground by ours, so I assumed we had cows out. He laughed and said, “not that he knew of,” but that a gal from the Washington Post wanted to speak to us about the drought. I told him we had some oceanfront property that we could sell him too!
After several minutes, he convinced me that she really did want to come out and take some pictures. After the meeting, I knew that this was liberal media, and they had an agenda. I wasn't sure the spin this article would take, but she continued to repeat "carbon emissions."
In her article, she mentions how much money each calf brought at the sale barn and talks to some of the locals who were going to have to sell cows because of the grass situation. I'm sure city folks thought we were all making bank on the price of cattle as they are on the bullish side right now, thank goodness.
She also spoke of the so-called millions Ole Biden set aside in his inflation bill that is part of his $4 trillion spending package. Most of this money doesn't even go to agriculture since they put other legislation in their bill to get it passed. It's mostly for the "Green Deal."
Recent news articles have tried to say that hurricanes and tornadoes have increased over time, but if you look in the history books you can read that these weather patterns have been going on for centuries. My dad, who would be 100 this year, told me about the "Dirty ‘30s" and I've seen documentaries about that time and how people were so distressed they in fact needed mental health counseling, but there was none to be had.
To put this in perspective, one could compare this agenda to a cash flow. You can put any numbers in to make the budget work, but it doesn't have a column for catastrophes. In this area, we have seen floods, tornadoes, drought, and insects. The motto over the years has been "adaptability is the simple secret to survival".
PS: Wow! Did anyone bother to read the comments made after this article in the Washington Post? Has anyone seen the movie "Dumb and Dumber"? This liberalism has just reaffirmed my belief that the division facing Americans has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin but the lack of brain cells.
Have a good one!
The article in the Washington Post can be seen at https://tinyurl.com/4df7y93y