Iconic '80s

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

There were '80s in abundance Saturday, to follow the Heritage Days theme, with more than one candidate — such as Robin Stevens, left, third from top right — taking the chance to campaign. Parade winners included Antique Car — Remington Automotive, Antique Tractor — Shields Tractor, Class Reunion — Class of 1992, Organization — McCook Cordials, Large Business — MNB Bank, Small Business — BlessEng’s Childcare, Youth — McCook Starz Dance Team and Band — McCook Senior High School Marching Band. Vendors, food trucks and crowds of people converged on Norris Park after the parade. The bandshell had entertainment throughout the afternoon, including the Cutest Baby Contest sponsored by Kinship Pointe. Chance Kotschwar, son of Riley and Aaron Kotshwar, gets some help from his mom in accepting his certificate as first place winner in the 0-6 months division.

Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
Lorri Sughroue/McCook Gazette
Lorri Sughroue/McCook Gazette
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