Townsend birthday
Friday, August 19, 2022

Lucy (Carter) Townsend
80th birthday
The family of Lucy (Carter) Townsend of Danbury, Neb., is hosting an open house in honor of her 80th birthday on Monday, Aug. 29, 2022. Th open house is Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022, 406 p.m., at the Lebanon American Legion, Highway 89 in Lebanon, Ore. Her family includes husband, Gary of Danbury; children, Trent and Jessica Townsend of Oberlin, Brent and Michelle Townsend of Danbury, Krent and Trisha Townsend of Danbury; 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 1747 CC Lane, Danbury NE 69026.