Council OKs new 27-home North Pointe subdivision

Friday, August 19, 2022
The McCook City Council has approved a new subdivision in northwest McCook.
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — New housing is at a premium and the McCook City Council addressed that by approving a new subdivision Monday night at the regular council meeting.

After a public hearing, the council unanimously approved a preliminary plat for the creation of the North Pointe Addition. The public hearing was for the preliminary plat of North Pointe Addition brought forth by three applicants, the McCook Economic Development Corporation, John and Elizabeth Nothnagel and W.A.G.S. Properties, LLC.

The property consists of 16.36 acres of undeveloped land north of Clary Village and Quillan Courts. The preliminary plat outlines 27 single-family residential housing lots and the creation of two streets, S and T Streets.

The MEDC has other property it has purchased for housing. In June 2021, the council approved the MEDC to use $70,000 in LB840 funds, funds collected from the city sales tax, to purchase 12 lots of property at the Fifth Park View Subdivision. The property is situated north of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and flanked by Pawnee and Seminole Drives to the west and east and Cheyenne Road to the north. The purchase price for the property was $210,000 and the $70,000 of LB840 money was used as a down payment.

Also on Monday night, the council approved unanimously to suspend the rule requiring readings on three separate occasions and approved on first reading an ordinance that amends McCook subdivision procedures. The new ordinance concerns subdividing a property already subdivided, by allowing a vacating of existing subdivisions, instead of re-platting. This will give the property a new legal description and simplify the process, City Manager Nate Schneider said.

The council also approved on third and final reading the request from John and Elizabeth Nothnagel to annex their property north of R Street along West Seventh, located in the Clary Subdivision, into city limits.

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