Maintenance, teachers cited by board members

Thursday, August 11, 2022

McCOOK, Neb. — A former superintendent, the maintenance staff and teachers were cited during “Positive Comments” at end of the McCook School Board meeting Monday night:

-Teresa Thomas, board vice president: Recently spoke with a family who are optioning in two students under the option enrollment program, who told her the process was easy and staff easy to work with.

-Loretta Hauxwell, board member: Recognized the importance of substitute teachers, who play a vital role in the school district.

-Mike Langan, board secretary: The recent improvements in the school district over the summer, such as the new track and new asphalt work, didn’t cost the district a lot of money and really make a difference. He spoke with a family that are bringing four kids into the school district.

-Dennis Berry, board member: Historically, the district has employed individuals who later became influential leaders. Berry cited Frank Brooks, former McCook Schools superintendent, who later became governor of Nebraska and Harold Bennett, who recently passed away, who was MPS superintendent for 22 years and later served as president for Mid-Plains Community College. Berry said Bennett was a true educational leader and had a major impact on the district during his tenure, such as establishing a budget for curriculum.

-Tom Bredvick, board member: An all-day training session for teachers at McCook Evangelical Free Church on Thursday is a great example of the community partnerships with and supports the school district. He also recognized the stellar work done over the summer by the school district’s maintenance staff. Bredvick said he got to know Harold Bennett and was impressed with his leadership when they worked together on the school bond issue to renovate North Ward Elementary as the primary elementary school.

Brad Hays, board president: Cited MPS tennis coach and Central Elementary physical education instructor Matt Wiemers, who recently finished his presidential term with the Nebraska Coaches Association.

-Jeff Gross, MPS business manager: Recognized the people in the community and the work they do behind the scenes for various programs that help students, such as the recent backpack giveaway at the McCook Christian Church.

Grant Norgaard, MPS superintendent: Noted how many teachers are coming in early this week to work on their classrooms for the upcoming school year, although their paid days don’t start until next week when school starts. “They’re coming in because they love what they do and love our kids,” he said.

Earlier in the meeting, during “Superintendent Comments,” Norgaard told the board that just as he predicted last month, the Nebraska Department of Education has modified requirements for taking the NCCAS state assessments this year. This was due to student results from the assessments didn’t agree with results collected on other achievement tests as well as from local testing. Larger school districts, in particular, were dissatisfied with the previous requirements, he said Monday night. Although students will continue to take the NSCAS assessments for the 2022-23 school year, Norgaard said he hopes an assessment process and test will be developed that meets all legislative requirements and provides teachers with data they can use to improve instruction.

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