
Ronda Graff

Community Connections

News and views from the McCook Community Foundation Fund


Making childhoods memorable in our community

Thursday, July 21, 2022
Tricia Wagner

I always knew that when I was ready to start a family I wanted to raise my children in McCook.

I wanted them to have the childhood I always dreamed of. A childhood where they could grow up with a tight-knit group of friends, ride bikes to the park, play sports and spend time with family. A childhood that would be enriched with the best values of small-town Nebraska.

I think all parents want that for their children - for them to live a better life than we have, for them to learn from our mistakes and for them to benefit from our hard work.

So how do we do that?

That question is one I’ve been struggling with from the moment my husband, Chandler, and I found out that I was pregnant with our first child. Now, a year after Oliver was born, I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I can do so that Oliver and his children can live the life that I dream of for them.

There’s an old Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

I think that quote speaks volumes to what we are currently doing in McCook. There are parents fighting for a new pool, community members working hard to build a new pickleball court, and high school students raising money for a drive-in movie theater to benefit not only themselves but others.

Those are just a few of the things we can support so that our children and grandchildren have fulfilling childhoods…a childhood so memorable that when they’re ready to raise a family, they too want to return to McCook.

So where to begin?

I will admit that I am also guilty of raising concerns about our community online, but those posts only go so far. Getting involved in community organizations is hands-down the best way I have found to aid in creating a better community.

If we want to see change, we have to work together to make a difference.

One way I have found to be beneficial is going to community events, forums, and other learning sessions.

While we may lament yet another meeting, this is how to stay in the know, to learn what is happening in our community and to figure out where you can help.

I am also grateful and fortunate to belong to some awesome, community-minded groups such as the McCook Community Foundation Fund Advisory Committee, the McCook Chamber of Commerce Cordials, and the Crusin’ the Bricks McCook committee. These organizations work throughout the year to enrich the lives of community members through community events and projects.

There are many additional organizations in our community, which are doing good work and are always looking for additional volunteers or new members. And no, you don’t have to sit through a meeting or vow to be a life-long member…just helping with one project or event will make an impact.

I will continue to dream about how to make Oliver’s childhood memorable and I will continue to work to make that dream a reality.

And I encourage anyone else wanting to make a difference to get involved in our community so that we can all work together to make McCook an even better place to call home.

–— Tricia Wagner is a busy mom to a one-year-old son, but still finds time to be an active member of the community including as a member of the McCook Community Foundation Fund.

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