Setting Up

Friday, November 19, 2021
Lorri Sughroue/McCook Gazette

Ernie Porter, above, of Martin Till polishes up equipment while, below, Jon Lechtenberg of the Arc Group of Imperial, Neb., from left, Heather Ramsay of Arc and Kalli Nelm of Hill Top Seeds of Indianola, Neb., catch up, at the McCook Farm, Ranch and Hemp Expo today at the Kiplinger Arena at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds. The show runs until 9 p.m. today and tomorrow from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., starting with a free breakfast from 7:30-9 a.m. In addition to the newest and latest in farm technology, there’s a little bit of everything at the show, including boutique items and a live stage with entertainment at the nearby Alice Kiplinger Building Building.

Lorri Sughroue/McCook Gazette
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