Group hopes to 'Light Up McCook'

Friday, October 22, 2021

McCOOK, Neb. – Making McCook shine is the goal of a newly formed committee called Light Up McCook. The group, which includes Linda Taylor, Denise Garey, Ronda Graff, Sue Doak, Cyndi Huff, Brandi McConnell, Peggy Bean, and Linda Graff, would like to see McCook, particularly Norris Avenue, be totally decked out for the upcoming holiday season.

Holiday trimmings will come early this year because committee members want to put their best feet forward by Nov. 18. That is when the Nebraska Community Foundation will bring their annual celebration to McCook and visitors from across Nebraska will be in town. The NCF event will include a “Night on the Bricks” experience celebrating McCook and Southwest Nebraska and will take place in multiple locations throughout downtown McCook, featuring countless opportunities to taste, see and feel Southwest Nebraska.

In addition, the Rural Leadership Symposium will take place Friday, November 19 at the Fox Theatre. Sponsored by Cultivate Rural Leaders, the symposium will give attendees the opportunity to hear from rural leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts on rural community development.

The McCook Farm Ranch and Hemp Expo at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds will also take place that weekend, November 19 and 20. In previous years, the Expo has taken place on Wednesday and Thursday, but for 2021 it will be held on a Friday and Saturday. “Moving to the weekend will allow for more attendees to attend and increase visibility to show products and services,” said Tana Dale, Star Expos Owner.

McCook Chamber President Brandi McConnell said the Light Up McCook committee has already secured the assistance of the City of McCook for putting up Santa Claus Lane early, as well as Great Plains Communication for sponsoring the lights on the poles on the Norris Avenue islands. The committee is also working on lighting the island trees this year, as well as organizing a window decorating contest for McCook businesses.

McConnell also updated the Gazette on the recent chamber board of directors meeting. She said the consensus of the board was that Heritage Days 2021 was very successful, generating positive feedback about the parade, golf tournament, and all of the events surrounding Heritage Days. McConnell said the Heritage Days committee is starting early on the planning for 2022 with their first meeting scheduled for two weeks from now.

The Chamber’s Christmas committee is meeting this week to plan for the upcoming holiday season. McConnell said the committee is hoping to add some fun events to compliment the High Plains Radio Light Parade, which will take place Saturday, December 4.

The chamber board chose Elevate Wellness and Physical Therapy as the fourth quarter honor business. “They have been excelling and growing so fast, and they’ve involved themselves in our community from the beginning. Their first annual 5k Harvest Gathering was a huge hit and we’re excited to see what is next for their team,” McConnell said.

McConnell said McCook Economic Development Corporation will be hosting a chamber mixer showcasing the co-work space on the fourth floor of the Keystone Business Center on January 28, 2022 from 4 to 6 p.m.

Other upcoming events around McCook include Community Hospital Health Foundation’s concert featuring Phil Vassar on Saturday and the McCook Gazette’s Halloween Parade on Oct. 30.

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