Arapahoe man announces candidacy for Legislature

Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Tyler Cappel
Courtesy photo

ARAPAHOE, Neb. --- Area business owner and personal trainer, Tyler Cappel has announced his bid for theDistrict 44 Legislative seat that is up for grabs in the November 2022 election.

Sen. Dan Hughes is unable to run for reelection because of term limits.

Tyler says “After much thought and discussion with my family, I have decided that the place where I can have the biggest positive influence on state and local life, is in the State Capital. Our legislature needs a strong voice for liberty and limited government. I believe I’m that person to spread that message bring accountability to the legislature.”

He also says, “People are frustrated with establishment politics and have little faith in their elected representatives. They feel like they aren’t being listened to and that too many politicians have corporate interests that they are controlled by.”

He further says, “Nebraskans are worried about federal government overreach. The 30x30 plan, the National Heritage Act, proposed gun control legislation, the Comprehensive Sex Education Standards and Critical Race Theory, high taxes and too much state spending are big issues.”

Tyler intends to spend the fall and winter meeting and visiting with Southwestern Nebraska residents to hear more of their concerns and priorities.

“Nebraska is at a crossroads, currently. We can secure our liberty and improve our economy which will provide great lives for our families, or we can continue down the road to serfdom.”

“I am confident that my perspective and energy is what Nebraska needs at this time. The “Good Life” truly is in Nebraska. I hope I can count on the support of Southwestern Nebraska come the primary election on May 10th, 2022, and in the general election next the following November.

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