Ballfield lease expires next year

Thursday, August 26, 2021

McCOOK, Neb. -- Red Willow County and the City of McCook have another year to hash out details of the ballfield lease.

Monday, county commissioners voted 2-1 not to sign a long-term lease of the ballfields on the fairgrounds to the city for $1 a year, which Chairman Earl McNutt opposed because the lease had already been approved by the fair board.

However, commissioners Randy Dean and Cayla Richards voted to not sign the lease, noting the county pays the city for many services, including dispatching.

However, the county clerk’s office researched the lease and found it actually doesn’t expire until 2022.

Commissioners don’t meet again until Sept. 13.

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  • It makes no difference to me when the lease is up. Their decision is evident, MY decision is too, but mine will be on an election ballot!

    -- Posted by Shock on Sat, Aug 28, 2021, at 1:47 AM
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