McCook Planning Commission to consider requests for bed & breakfast, subdivision

Friday, August 6, 2021

McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Planning Commission will consider a special exception for a bed and breakfast and/or a vacation rental to be located in a residential house, on Monday, 5:15 p.m. at the city council chambers in the Municipal Building.

The applicants are Anita Bartels and Emily Young of DeWitt, Neb., who would like to open a bed and breakfast, “Sage Haus,” at 408 E. First. The property is zoned residential high density.

Currently, the property is used as a single-family dwelling.

The applicants plan to move to McCook and make the property their permanent residence.

City staff has reviewed the property and found special exception considerations were met. Staff cited ingress and egress would be not adversely impacted, the property is located on the through street (East First), the structure would not house numerous individuals and there is adequate off-street parking. The applicant has proposed a sign to be attached to the house, 12 by 12 inches.

The property next door at 406 E. First is slated to be demolished by the end of September.

The Planning Commission will also consider the request to replat the original Clary Subdivison.

That request comes from the McCook Economic Development Corp, which wants two parcels of land to be subdivided from the property for two residential lots. Per the city’s zoning regulations, there is enough space to build a house on each of the proposed two lots. The lots would have access to R Street and West Seventh through “flag” extensions.

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